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Filtering jug or mineral water

Every day we make a number of purchasing decisions, guided by many factors. What determines the choice of products that we bring from a store? Usually it is the same set of criteria: price, quality, brand awareness, habit and taste preferences. However, more and more often we are also trying to select products that are healthier and more ecological, because we are more and more aware of their impact on our health and life. Considering these criteria, will giving up mineral water for filtered water is a good choice?


Purchase of a jug or a filter bottle is the cost of several dozen zlotys on average, and a filter for several dolars a month. Many calculations indicate that the purchase of a filtering jug can save several hundred dolars a year, taking into account the regular monthly filter change of course. In addition, we reduce the amount of rubbish, throwing up to 26 kg of plastic a year less. In this way we become more environmentally friendly, because, unfortunately, we still do not always have the option of waste segregation and guarantee of its proper recycling. According to German scientists from the health perspective water stored in PET packaging can be contaminated with substances that may cause for problems with the endocrine system (e.g. bisphenol A, which is so avoided by manufacturers of accessories for children).


Products for filtering water at home available on the market are largely recyclable, manufactured with care for the environment and will serve us for many years.

Thanks to the online purchase options, filtering jugs, bottles or filters will reach any place, even if these products may not be accessible easily. Online shopping also gives us access to the full range of products and provides detailed information, making it easier to choose the most suitable option for our household. Companies producing them have been known for years, so there is no fear that you will not be able to choose a filter or replace the filtering jug if necessary in the future

We can always filter the water by simply filling our jug or tap water bottle without having to go out to the store.


The quality of water bought in stores is a separate topic. To be sure what kind of water we are dealing with, we need to read the sum of minerals dissolved in it from the label. Mineral water is considered the one containing 1000 mg of mineral substances in 1 litter at least. Out of over 200 water brands available, only about 30 are mineral waters, the other ones are deep-sea or tap water, enriched with minerals. Thanks to the tap water filtration, we are sure that we consume purified, safe and tasty water, which is especially important if there are children at home. This is also an economical solution that supports an environmentally friendly approach to the household.

Read more about water filtering systems on Dafi.us




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