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A jug with a filter or a bottle

Currently, various solutions are available. Their choice depends on our needs. Filtering jugs are the most widely known and comes to our mind first, when we think about filtering water. The first devices of this type appeared in our homes many years ago. The history of filtering water at homes dates back to the 1970s when jugs with removable filters were the first solutions available in general.


Jugs available at present vary not only in terms of design and colour, but also in their production process. Materials they are made from is the basic difference - jugs are made from glass and plastic. Each solution has its own advantages, so that you can choose the most suitable product for your household.

You can also choose different filters for your jug, there are more universal filters as well as ones with a more specialized usage, e.g. for preparing cold drinks (the ones that better remove chlorine and organic impurities, easily perceptible in non-heat treated beverages) or for household appliances (with increased water hardness reduction). Let's choose the filter that best suits our needs. Keep in mind that all filters provide a high degree of water purification by removing substances disrupting the smell or taste thanks to activated charcoal filter and an ion exchange resin which removes heavy metals from the water and reduces water hardness.

What else is available on the market?

The bottle is ideal not only for active people, practising sports and requiring additional hydration during increased physical activity, but also for anyone who wants to live a healthy life. Light, ergonomic, it can be filled with tap water wherever we are, ensuring that the water consumed is clean and safe, free from harmful substances, sediments and mechanical impurities. Filters in bottles, like in jugs, are replaceable, thanks to which water quality will always be high. Additionally, one filter can replace the purchase of up to 300 bottles of water with a capacity of approx. 500 ml each, helping us to care both for the environment and the home budget.


A filter bottle is a perfect complement to home filter systems, providing clean, filtered water whenever you do not have the access to a jug or installation with a flow filter. Due to their larger capacity filtering jugs are the best solution for households, where the needs are bigger and the water is needed, for example, for cooking or household appliances.

Read more on Dafi.us





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