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Keep both the Environment and Yourself Safe with These Vehicle Upgrades

When buying a vehicle, you should not consider just the brand name, the beautiful appearance or other ephemerals, but also consider the safety aspect of the vehicle. The so-called ephemerals are also important, but not as important as safety. Never forget to read the safety reviews about that car and also find out about the crash test result. Steer clear of the automobile if there is no assurance of safety in the vehicle. 

Safety measures are being updated in automobiles these days. Find to how many of these safety measures are available in that vehicle before you buy. Some safety features are added as standard, while you have to buy some other ones by yourself and get them fitted to the vehicle. Those safety measures may cost you extra greenbacks, but they are assured lifesavers. In this write-up, we will consider several safety features you can add to your vehicle that can ensure your safety and that of your environment.    

The HGV Audible Warning Systems

The HGV Audible Warning Systems is designed not just for the safety of the driver and the occupants of the vehicle, but also for the safety of other road users, like cyclists and pedestrians. What it does is to give an audible warning to other road users when the vehicle is about to turn to the left. Consequently, these individuals can be warned ahead of time so that they can leave the way. The safety system, aside from protecting the other road users from vehicular accidents, can equally prevent damage to your vehicle and prevent a drop in its market value 

This safety device can work perfectly in all kinds of automobiles, be it a truck, coach, car or even a bus. You can, therefore, go for this unique security device if you need Heavy goods vehicles safety technology.

Other safety features to consider

Apart from the safety device discussed above, there are still some other safety features that can protect you and your environment from auto accidents. Some of these other safety features are discussed below.


The airbags are usually fitted to the front and back of the automobile so that they can protect those at the front seat, as well as, those at the back seats. They are standard features in automobiles and this dated as far back as 1998. Airbags also became standard inclusions in light trucks in 1999. The airbag technology is fitted with crash sensors that detect a frontal collision, which will then trigger the airbags. The bags only need milliseconds to inflate. However, they also start deflating immediately after getting inflated.

Antilock braking systems (ABS)     

This safety feature makes it easy to steer the automobile on slippery surfaces.  It makes use of sensors at each of the wheels and also uses a computer to maximize the braking action at each of the wheels towards preventing lock-up.  With the aid of this feature, the driver can easily maintain firm control of the steering wheel when applying the brakes. As a result, the automobile will not be difficult to manoeuvre around obstacles.  The system is developed to apply the brakes and provide maximum control and power.  The driver only has to push hard on the brake pedals and leave the ABS to complete the rest of the job.

Traction control

It is an electronically controlled system built to limit wheel spin when accelerating. As a result, the wheels will have 100% traction on the road.  You will find this safety feature useful when you are kick-starting the automobile on an icy or wet road.  You will also find it useful when launching the automobile with relatively high horsepower.  Bear in mind that some traction control systems developed today only operate at low speeds and some other ones operate at all speeds.

Electronic stability control

This is yet another fundamental safety feature in automobiles capable of protecting both the driver and other road users.  It is more or less an advanced form of traction control.  The system is developed to keep the automobile in its right path when turning the automobile so that you will not end up skidding or sliding.  The system is linked directly to several sensors, making it able to detect rotation (yaw), sideways motion, steering angle, and wheel speed. If the vehicle ends up drifting outside the intended direction, the system is designed to brake the vehicle momentarily and lower the power of the engine, which will pull the vehicle back to its intended path. If you are looking for reliable Heavy goods vehicles safety technology, you will find the electronic stability control to be the best for this purpose


The many safety features mentioned above can ensure complete safety for you and everyone in your automobile. The beauty of it is that the safety features mentioned above can be fitted to any kind of automobile.



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