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Community Cleanup: 4 Ways to Honor the Earth with a Collaborative Effort


All of us want to live in a clean, safe, and attractive community. However, we all need to do our part to provide a wholesome environment for work and play. If you are tired of seeing trash-strewn parks and littered playgrounds, here are a few tips that could help to form a collaborative approach to cleaning local public spaces.

Do Your Part

Be vigilant about throwing trash in public containers and not on the ground or out the car window. If you see trash in your path, put it in the closest receptacle. Teach your children how to pick up after themselves and not to litter. Gather your dog’s droppings while walking outdoors. Not only will you be doing your part, but you can also set the example for others who are watching.

Organize a Community Cleanup Day

Contact the town’s city council, the chamber of commerce, or another civic business group to suggest designating a community cleanup day. Make it festive at the rally point, possibly a local park or cordoned-off downtown area, with colorful balloons to indicate boundaries. Recruit volunteers to bring treats like cookies and punch for everyone who comes out to help. Make sure there are waiting trash receptacles and garbage bags, if needed. For extra messy areas, a dumpster rental can help when removing tree limbs, housing debris, or non-toxic dumpsite waste.

Encourage Schools to Involve Students

Teaching children to honor their civic duty is a valuable task. An appreciation for tidy areas and clean walkways is also important. Work with teachers and school administrators to possibly award students merit points for volunteering to help clean up a community area. It can be fun as well as educational as a type of field trip experience.

Get Local Businesses Involved

Companies and organizations in the area may want to get involved. Playing a visible role in a community initiative is a great way to market their business. Some may wish to donate funds for needed supplies like a dumpster or tools for weeding overgrown parklands, for example. Companies that play a significant role or help to lead the project might merit a news shout-out or a civic improvement award.

Keeping your town clean and neat is a desirable goal in its own right. Working with others to accomplish the goal is an added bonus. Everyone will love the new, fresh look of the cleanup area and possibly be motivated to tackle adjacent neighborhoods.



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