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Guidelines for organizing a cleaning day in your community

Raising the awareness for a clean community is extremely important in order to create and maintain a healthy environment, with fresh air, and green areas that make living there more enjoyable than in a busy area of the city where the traffic and the noise produces a lot of pollution. Moreover, a cleaning day in your community can have many other advantages such as helping the people bond while cleaning together and have a lot of fun. All you have to do is to make sure that you involve as many as possible of your neighborhoods so that the event has a bigger impact and it will become an example for other communities as well. However, when you are planning such a big event that has a meaningful purpose, a lot of responsibility is on your shoulders. Read below the essential steps you need to follow in order to create a successful event that will be an amazing experience for all of the participants.

Create a plan

There are many details that you need to consider when you are organizing such an event. Which is why you need to create a plan so that you do not miss any essential task that you need to complete. First of all, you need to decide what kind of project do you want to base your event on. Whether it is just trash collection, beach and river cleanup, flower planting or even all of them, you have to know exactly what are the goals of the event so that you can plan everything accordingly. Secondly, after checking the weather prognosis you need to choose a date so that everyone will know when to avoid making other plans so that they participate in the cleaning day.

Create a budget

Even if it is an event that will be completed with the help of the volunteers. There are still some things that are going to cost some money. Whether you ask for the local council to support your event financially or you find some sponsors that want to support your initiative in the exchange of advertising their business, you need to look for all the opportunities to obtain a budget suitable for all the necessary tools for such an event.

Advertise the event to find volunteers

The most important part of such an event are the volunteers that are motivated and enthusiastic to work together to reach the final goals of having a beautiful and clean neighborhood. So, you have to make sure that everyone will find out about the event you are organizing so that as many volunteers as possible will come and join your cause. When advertising the event, you can use online and offline marketing venues such as Social Media, flyers, local media so that your message reaches everyone. Also, it is really important to make sure that you invite the local media to be part of your event so that other communities will see the success of your initiative and will start fighting next to you for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Choose the right organization team

Organizing such an event means a lot of tasks that need to be completed in time and many essential aspects that cannot be neglected in order to successfully achieve the final goals of the initiative. So, no matter how motivated and enthusiastic you are about taking care of everything on your own, it is going to be incredibly difficult. Moreover, it is not an individual but a social event, so the more people get involved the better it is for the success of the event. Which is why you need to create an organizing team that has people who are also willing to invest time and passion for such a beautiful purpose. Choose people that have all the necessary skills and knowledge to give you a real help in the process of planning everything and more important people that you can trust with completing their tasks in time, before the day of the event.

Prepare all the necessary tools

Once you have decided about which type of project you want to base your event on, you need to start preparing all the necessary tools for cleaning and beautifying your neighborhood and its surroundings. for cleaning the trash, you are going to have to provide the volunteers with tools such as trash bags to put the collected garbage, gloves to protect their hands, and metal detectors for the kids involved in the initiative to look for treasures while helping the adults collecting the trash. Also, for beautifying the area and flower planting there will be needed shovels, gardening materials such as plants and mulch, and paint and paintbrushes to repaint the outdoor of the buildings that have not been renovated in some time and take all the modern look from your area.

Create groups and assign specific tasks

Once all the volunteers have signed for taking part on the event, it is a good idea to stay organized in order to avoid creating a chaos when everybody will be confused about their task and assigned area of the neighborhood. In order to make sure that everybody understands their tasks entirely, organize a meeting with all the volunteers one day before the event, divide them into groups and assign them specific tasks. This way all of the volunteers will know exactly what they have to do and there will be no confusion that can ruin the event.

Have a party at the end to reward the volunteers

Once the job is all done and now you can all enjoy the new look and beauty of your neighborhood, a party should definitely take place in order to thank everybody for their hard work while taking place in this initiative. Provide foods and beverages and turn the music up for everybody to have fun and celebrate together how they successfully reached the goals of the event while working together as a team. This type of event will also make the relationships and friendships between your neighbors become more bonded.



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