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Green Blog

Creating a marketing strategy for an eco-friendly business

If you are running a business, then this is the right moment for you to enter into the sustainable industry and to transform your company into a green one. More and more companies consider this a great strategy, and they make their inception into the green industry. But the key is not only to make the transition, but to make sure that you are doing it right. The majority of companies do not fully understand what the transition process implies and they do not know what to do. Well, it all starts with promoting your business, if you reach the right audience, then you will receive feedback on your work, and you will quickly manage to complete the transition.

Because you are a beginner in this industry, you may have no idea what marketing strategies to use in order to achieve success. You will first have to understand the concept of eco-friendly business, and then you can create a marketing campaign. Your goal is to show your clients that your business cares about the environment.

What are the requirements in the green industry?

Numerous businesses in the industry state that they are eco-friendly, but if it were to check their products and services, you will quickly understand that they only make the claim, without meeting certain requirements. If you want people to trust you that you embrace green practices, then you have to prove to them that you are authentic. Here are the main requirements you will have to meet in order to characterize your company as a green one.

·         You have to make sure that the services and products you offer, do not contain toxic materials and ingredients and they do not have ozone-depleting features.

·         Your clients can re-use the products you offer, and they are created to be re-used over a long period of time.

·         Your clients can recycle the products you offer

·         You create the products following green requirements and you make sure they include only recycled materials.

·         You use only eco-friendly packing, made from biodegradable materials.

·         You make sure that you do not use materials in excess when you manufacture the products.

How can you market your green products?

Your clients are your priority

Transforming your business into a green one is the greatest initiative you have ever had, but you have to make sure that your clients know that you are changing your direction. Customers will buy from you only if they know what to expect from you. You have to create a message that helps clients understand what your intentions are. If you explain to them what you want to do in order to transform your company into a green one, they will continue to buy from you.

Tell your clients what benefits they have if they choose you

If you want your clients to continue to buy from you, you should make sure that you tell them what benefits they will have if they choose an eco-friendly company. Just because you offer green products now, it is not enough to reach new clients; you will have to share with them what benefits these products bring. One great way to attract customers is to share the benefits with the help of exhibition stands. Organise an event to let people know that you change the direction of your business.

When you make the description of your products, you should use certain keywords. They let people know the benefits they will have if they choose you.

Make sure that you let them know that they will use eco-friendly products. Your products bring multiple economic, social and environmental benefits.

You should also highlight the fact that your products are not toxic, and both the products and the packing are environmentally friendly.

You should also make sure that the buyers know that your products do not include toxic chemicals and other similar harmful elements. They are healthier for the persons who consume them, in comparison with standard products.  

When you promote your products, make sure to share on display stands that your products are biodegradable, and once they get into nature they will decompose into elements that do not harm the environment.

Show your support for local communities

If you are an eco-friendly company then you will show your support to the local organisations that fight for a greener world. You should support local eco-friendly programs, organisation initiatives, and different other actions that help the world become a better place.

You should motivate your employees to get involved in the process. You should establish a day when your team leaves the office and fights for a cause. You should clean the park from garbage during that day, plant trees or do whatever activity you consider that will bring a change. If you promote community involvement, people will trust that you have the needed commitment to transform your business into a green one. 

Online marketing should be a priority

If you want to transform your entire business into a green one, then you should also change the way you promote yourself. You should use no longer paper, you should use only online methods to promote your products and services. Not only that you help the environment, because you cut down the resources used to manufacture paper, but you also save money, because online marketing is cheaper than traditional one. People do not have to buy the newspaper, you can send it to their email address. If you place an online banner, you will pay less than if you place a traditional one. And you have a positive impact on the environment.

You can take advantage of social media, because this is the most effective way to get in touch with your customers and to increase your prospects. If you count on discount coupons to attract customers, you may think that you will not be able to complete the transition, because people still wait for their coupons to get to their mail. But if you send them on their email, they will have the same benefits, only, that they will not use the paper coupon, but the digital form when they will want to use the discount coupons.



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