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How to know for certain if you’re wasting energy in your home

Surprisingly, a typical household wastes about 30% more energy as compared to an energy-efficient one. Without paying too much attention, individuals misemploy electricity or heat, by leaving appliances on standby or not programming their thermostats. After having reviewed the results from thousands of homes, experts have concluded that there are many efficiency problems in homes around the world.

Why should people care about reducing the consumption of energy in the first place? Because energy conservation helps save money. Using less electricity or heat has many other benefits. By optimizing energy use, homeowners can increase their quality of life and contribute to saving the environment.

Energy efficiency is something that everyone can take part in. As far as energy efficiency is concerned, you’re guilty of something, just like everyone else. Have you ever stopped for a second to think how much wattage your home is wasting? Chances are that you haven’t even thought about it. You need to know for sure if your home has an energy problem. Continue to read on to discover how you can identify energy waste.

Your home is pretty old

Homes of all sorts have a potential for problems. Yet, there are certain types of real estate that are more likely to bring about energy efficiency problems. Old homes, in particular, are subject to air leaks.

Unless it’s completely sealed and insulated, an old property is windy. What happens is that the air moves back and forth between the units of the family home. The majority of costs are the result of air leaks that haven’t been dealt with. When there are air leaks, it’s harder to heat and cool the home.

Contrary to popular belief, windows aren’t necessarily the problem. Windows are largely regarded as the biggest offenders, when, in reality, they aren’t. Air leaks can occur from cracks and openings in the windows, yet upgrading the windows will not solve the problem. If you happen to notice temperature swings, check the attic for leaks. Air escaping through the attic can account for half of the property’s energy loss. Make the time to check the ducts on the top floor. In this sense, you need to turn on the HVAC system, light a smoke pencil, and see if the smoke starts to waver intermittently.  

Maybe the previous owners performed some upgrades. That is great, but you need to understand that it’s not enough. You have to make repairs to the old home and take advantage of the opportunity to implement energy efficiency measures.

Get an energy audit  

The very best way to determine whether or not your home is wasting energy is to get a professional home energy audit. An energy audit is nothing other than an evaluation of the requirements and performance of the building. You can conduct your own work.

Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to call in the pros. Professionals will find out what problems there are in the home what can be corrected, and how you can enhance the overall comfort of your home. Energy audit experts work solely with professional equipment, which is the reason why they are capable of conducting such a thorough analysis.

If the high invoices are causing you shock and dissatisfaction, you should take measures right away. An energy audit is one of the few things that can help you save on invoices. You understand very little about the in which your home works. During the official evaluation, the auditors go through every room of the property, making sure to examine everything from the windows to the heating and cooling system. Once they understand the energy usage, they will compare it to the area and the type of property. And tell you what upgrades you should be making.

In case you didn’t know, you have the possibility to capitalize on rebates. Incentives related to energy efficiency are offered in main municipalities. You’re eligible to receive a cash rebate, if you renovate your home, of course. If you don’t want to replace the roof insulation, then you should at least increase the R-value performance of your home. Just think about it.

Look for energy efficiency problems  

Is your home cold, windy or uncomfortable? If the answer is yes, then you have reason to be concerned, because things shouldn’t be this way. Your humble abode should be warm and inviting. Your home is suffering at the moment and there are signs that you’ve obviously been missing. If you’re dealing with any of the following issues, then you can be certain that energy is being wasted in your home:

·         Uneven cooling and heating in the home – Your thermostat isn’t doing a good job if there are uneven temperatures in the home. When there are noticeable temperatures, there is something wrong with the ductwork or insulation.

·         Mould growth – One of the most common effects of air leaks is mould. Air leaks lead to condensation, which in turn promotes mould growth. The presence of the fungus in your home is a clear sign of trouble. You need to do your best to prevent moisture and prevent the outside air from getting inside.

·         Discoloured and peeling paint – Paint doesn’t just lose its color and start to peel off. If there are high levels of moisture in the property, the paint on the exterior surface fails ahead of time.

·         Light bulbs radiate warmth – You only get to see the light. You don’t get to feel the warmth. What you don’t know is that a great deal of energy goes into that warmth. It’s a good idea to replace the light bulbs with efficient ones, such as CFLs. What do you got to lose?

Your home is throwing away money through energy waste. Conserving energy provides significant benefits in the long run, not to mention that it helps save the environment. Address the issues present in your home and improve energy efficiency. Avoid wasting electricity or gas. Doing things differently this time will help you save the planet and live more comfortably. Doesn’t that sound tempting? We’d say that it does.



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