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What Are the Best Irrigation Systems for Landscaping?


For a healthy and vibrant landscape, your plants require regular watering at set intervals. Mother Nature frequently does not cooperate with adequate rains. Heavy but quick downpours do not penetrate the soil deeply. Sprinkling rains do not provide adequate moisture for soil either. When plants are watered optimally, they develop extensive root systems that are able to store and draw water better than plants with shallow root systems. If you want to support your plants' good health, consider installing an irrigation system that complements your landscape's needs.

Types of Irrigation Systems

Two popular types of irrigations systems include pop-up sprinklers and drip irrigation. While many homeowners favor in-ground sprinklers for watering lawns, drip irrigation systems are ideal for flower beds as tubing can deliver water to specific plants. These systems can be used with automatic controllers so there is little for the homeowner to worry about. Your landscaping firm will be able to discuss the ins and outs of each system and how either or both can enhance your particular landscape. Both types of systems need specific mapping. Your irrigation system installer will be able to help you make a plan that suits your plants' needs.

Benefits of an Irrigation System

Installing a low flow irrigation system can allow you to reduce water waste by up to 70%. Today's irrigation systems are ideal for homeowners that care about sustainable practices. San Francisco based landscaper, Paul Tamate says "for homeowners that want to conserve as much as 70% of their water, drip irrigation systems are ideal." Sprinkler systems can be enhanced by the type of heads you choose. Again, your landscaping firm can suggest the ideal components for either system you choose.

Once you install your irrigation system, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing that your landscape's needs are being met even when you're away from home. You can also set timers so that your watering needs will be met at set intervals. If you crave a lush and healthy landscape, an irrigation system installed by professionals is your best solution. You'll waste less water and you'll no longer need to lug hoses and watering cans around your yard to provide thirsty plants with water each day.



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