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How to Help the Environment with Green Plumbing


Water is one of the most precious and limited resources that we utilize. At the same time, it is one of the most necessary resources, being used for drinking, cooking, washing, going to the bathroom, and other essential tasks of everyday life. With so much at stake, then, it’s important to try and conserve water whenever possible, to ensure there’s plenty available, both now and in the future. Here are a few ways that plumbing can be environmentally friendly.

Low-Flow Fixtures

A standard shower head uses around 2.5 gallons of water a minute. Across the U.S., this adds up to over 1.2 trillion gallons of water a year that’s used for showering. By utilizing a low-flow shower head, you can reduce water consumption for showers by at least 20% and often more. This may not sound like all that much, but when you’re talking about over a trillion gallons, even a 20% reduction adds up to billions of gallons of water saved.

Water-Saving Toilets

Another major water user in the home is the toilet. Fortunately, most homes have been converted to using toilets that use 1.6 gallons per flush, down from the 3+ gallons of older toilets. However, newer toilets that are WaterSense certified utilize only 1.25 gallons per flush or less. This isn’t to say that a toilet should be replaced simply for the lower water consumption, as that is a waste of resources, as well. However, if a toilet is in need of replacement, it’s a great opportunity to reduce water consumption within a home.

Warm Pipes

The pipes in your home or business often run through areas that are uninsulated. This can cause problems when warm water is running through pipes located in cold wall cavities. The energy that is lost can lead to higher water usage and more energy used to heat the water. Fortunately, easy-to-use pipe insulation kits are available to allow you to keep the pipes nice and warm, no matter the weather. The insulation fits easily around the pipes, then seals to provide a tight fit. This prevents you from having to insulate large cavities or rooms that wouldn’t be cost-effective to insulate as a whole.

Leak Monitors

Unseen leaks can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in wasted water. If you have leak detectors in strategic points throughout your home, however, you can detect these leaks early on to prevent them from wasting water and causing damage to your property. Many leak detectors can be linked to your smartphone to quickly alert you to any potential issues.

Quick and Easy

One of the best ways to “go green” when it comes to water consumption is simply to intentionally work to reduce your normal consumption. This might mean shorter showers, fewer loads of laundry, or less watering your lawn. Whatever the case, the environmental and financial benefits which result from these efforts will certainly be worth it in the long run. Contact a plumbing company like Jim Dhamer Plumbing and Sewer, Inc. for more information and tips on your specific situation.



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