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How To Insulate Your Home

virtuelle-Haus-Mieter-400px__scaled__400Why is the insulation necessary? What benefits do you have from it and which insulating material do you need to select? There are a lot of questions when it comes to insulating your home so here are some ’’how to’’ tips:

Life in a house with no home insulation is hard to imagine because you can encounter at least one of the following five symptoms:

-The feeling of lack of heat in a well heated room in the winter time.

-House rapidly cooling down after turning off the heating

-Unbearable summer heat in the premises

-Dampness, mildew, condensation and fungus in the cracks and corners

-Cracks in walls and in the plaster

The importance of the insulation

Insulation is mechanically protecting the structure and extending its existence.

It is reducing the energy consumption when using the heating and the cooling and saving your money this way.

It is affecting the creation of a healthy microclimate for a good accommodation of your household members.

Insulation is directly affecting the value of the property and protecting the environment by reducing the amount of carbon footprint of your home.

Façade insulation

During the adaptation of the facade it is necessary to install the insulation. The additional cost for the insulation is from 20 to 40 percent of the total cost of renovating the façade.

By placing the insulation on the outer side of the facades it is solving the problem of condensation of steam (showering, cooking) and this occurs due to the low temperature of the wall. This way you are also solving the formation of the mold.

This is increasing the thermal comfort in the area of the wall due to the increased temperature.

The thermal insulation protects the buildings from harmful external activities and their effects (like moisture, freezing, overheating) which prolongs the lifetime of the structure.

The most frequently used insulating materials are the mineral wool and polystyrene (Styrofoam).

If we compare the two houses of same sizes, one built with and other without the insulation, the cost of heating can be up to 6 times greater.

Roof insulation

The attic is usually the part of the house that is most ignored and it usually has a function of a pantry where you place all of the unnecessary things. About 60% of the energy gets lost through the poorly insulated ceilings.

If you don’t plan to have a living space on your attic than all you need to do is to insulate the attic on from the upper side of the ceiling. Frist thing you need to do is clean the entire ceiling and warp it with a protective layer of mineral wool with at least 5 cm of thickness.

Second thing that you have to pay attention to is that the wool must be hard-pressed so you can place the plastic on top of it. The next step is covering the plastic with the concrete floor with the thickness of 4 to 5cm. If you anticipate that you will use this room as a living space then you need to insulate the roof and the gable walls.

Fill the space between the rafters with soft mineral wool with minimum thickness of 10cm. Place a protective aluminum foil on the outer side that will act as a vapor barrier and this will prevent condensation of water vapor. Place the plates on the bottom side below the wool. This can be done either with plaster, OSB flooring or by paneling.

The side walls should be covered with polystyrene with a thickness of 5 cm and attach it directly to the wall. Next, cover that with a net and finish it off with the sealing compound.

Useful information for this article has been kindly provided by acgbuilding.com.au.



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