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Metal recycling – steps to follow

Metal recycling can be a process complex and the majority of people have no idea what it implies. The first thing you should know is that the process includes sorting metals according to their quality and type. It is important to pay more attention to recycling nowadays, because metals are versatile and essential to a large number of industries. They can be used in the manufacturing industry to create airplanes, cars trucks, railways and ships. Also, metals are used to create domestic items as crockery and cutlery, and sometimes they are used even in packaging.  Moreover, what is amazing about metal is that they can be recycled and their properties will not be altered in the process. Usually people recycle steel and aluminum, but this does not mean that the other ones cannot be included in the process. However metals as brass, silver and gold are too valuable to be recycled, and people take good care of them.

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Why should people recycle more?

Metals are valuable materials because they can be recycled multiple times without losing their properties. The process of metal recycling in Toronto can bring you a lot of money, and this should motivate you collect every metal item you have around the house. In addition to this benefit, it is important to recycle metal, because we have to protect the environment. If people recycle metals, they help at the preservation of natural resources, because recycling requires less energy than to manufacture products from new metals. Also recycling emits less harmful gases as carbon dioxide. And where you count that recycling creates jobs, so it is important to pay it the required attention.

Collecting the metals

The most important step in the process of recycling is to collect them. You will have to carefully collect every item made from metal and place them in the right container. Make sure you place them in the especially designed containers, because other way they may lose their properties. Also, you have the possibility to take the collected metals to the local scrap yard, because you will receive money for the quantity you have collected. Every one of the metals is paid differently, so make sure to check the prices before.

Sorting the metals

When you collect a large quantity of metals, you have to take some time to sort them. In this way, you will see which one of the items is recyclable and which one is not. The quality of the metal objects is very important in the process, because a high quality recycled object will lead to the manufacture of a good quality item. Every one of the metal parts you will take to the crap center will be checked for its qualitative features.

Processing and melting


The next step in the process of recycling the metals is to shred them. This action is essential to promote the melting process, because in this way it is required less energy. Steel is melted under the form of blocks and aluminum as small sheets. A large furnace will be used to melt the shredded metals. According to the type of metal, a special furnace will be used. The amount of energy used to melt the metals is lower than the one of extracting and manufacturing metals from the virgin ores. The size of the furnace will influence the amount of energy and time. The process may take from a couple of minutes to multiple hours.


Once the metals are melted they have to be purified. Depending on the type of metal, various methods can be used. One of the methods used during this process is electrolysis. Some types of metals are passed under magnetic systems for separating the metals. This process is important because the manufacturers have to make sure that the final product is free of impurities.

Metals you can recycle

If you want to collect the metals around your house, it is important to know what types are recyclable. Metals are categorized as non-ferrous and ferrous, the last type features combinations of carbon with iron. Some of the ferrous metals are cast iron, wrought iron, carbon steel and alloy steel. From the category of non-ferrous metals, we can list tin, zinc, lead, copper, and aluminum. You should know that precious metals are non-ferrous metals. They include palladium, iridium, silver, gold and platinum.

Metal recycling should receive the needed attention, because it has the potential to offer multiple business opportunities. In case, you want to find more details about this subject, you can find multiple online guides. With their help, you will understand better the factors that influence the scrap metal industry, and what opportunities you can have.

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