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12 Things to Know about Organic Foods


Organic foods are quickly becoming one of the most popular choices for persons who want to eat healthier while being environmentally responsible. However, many persons do not know about organic foods, and there are twelve things in particular that you should know about them.

1.) What is in organic foods?

Organic foods are grown without the use of fertilizers and pesticides. This means that there is less of a chance of your body being harmed by the toxins found in them.

2.) What makes organic meats different?

Organic meats are not grown with the use of synthetic hormones that are commonly used to fatten up cattle.

3.) Are organic meats processed differently?

Organic meats are processed in the most natural way possible. This means that they aren’t packed with preservatives, and they are not irradiated to kill bacteria.

4.) How are organic foods packaged?

Organic foods are packed in the most environmentally friendly way possible. This includes the use of packaging this is all natural, and that will biodegrade in the quickest manner possible.

5.) Organic food is oftentimes more nutritious

Organic foods are grown in a manner where their size is not increased with artificial additives. This means that they oftentimes have more vitamins and minerals per weight than other kinds of foods.

6.) Why organic foods sometimes cost more?

Organic foods are oftentimes grown on small farms that do not have the same efficiency as large farms. In addition, the process of growing organic foods may result in less of a yield. As a result, farmers may have to charge more for the sale of organic foods.

7.) Do organic foods always cost more?

Organic foods do not always cost more than other kinds of foods. It is possible to purchase organic foods that cost less than other kinds of foods. In addition, many organic foods are naturally processed, which costs less money than other methods of production.

8.) How does one save money while buying organic?

There are a number of different ways to save money while purchasing organic foods. It is a good idea to looking into local organic markets, and food delivery services. Many food delivery services offer food that comes directly from local farms, and so you do not have to pay a markup on the products. Some person can even get bags of organic foods for only a few dollars.

9.) What are some things to avoid when shopping organic?

Many companies attempt to sell processed foods under the guise of sounding organic. Phrases like natural and free range are not regulated by the food and drug administration. It is a good idea to do some research on each one of the products you buy.

10.) Does organic mean less cruel?

Organic oftentimes means that animals suffered less while being raised. However, the process is not regulated by the FDA. It is a good idea to look into where you organic meats came from, and to see if the animals were given proper treatment.

11.) Can non-organic items go into organic foods?

Depends, there are about forty different ingredients that the FDA allows to be included in foods that are considered organic. This includes items like salt, processed sugar, and different kinds of spices. Looking at the nutrition list will allow you to know if these ingredients were added to your organic foods.

12.) Does a person have to be completely organic?

No!!! Eating organic a personal choice. Many persons choose to purchase organic items because they want more nutritious food items, or because they simply like the excellent taste of organic foods. Even more people eat organic food because they are priced less than name brand items. Even more people simply eat a few different kinds of organic foods. One should eat organic foods based upon their personal choices.

Overall, organic foods are an excellent thing to try out. One should try eating organic meats, vegetables, and dairy products in order to see if they like them.

Image credit: CLJ Photography



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