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Many business are going green to benefit the environment and their bottom line. Green building initiatives show corporate responsibility. By investing in these useful tools, you can go green efficiently and make investments that could ultimately save your business a significant amount of money.

Solar Panels

A building's roof has the potential to either absorb a great deal of the sun's energy or reflect it. One way to create a green roof is to install solar panels. Solar panel technology allows for the collection of energy on sunny days. A connected battery system allows this energy to be stored and used as needed. The electricity that is generated can be used to heat water or to power electrical items inside of the building. Excess amounts of electricity could even be sold back to the utility company. State and federal tax grants are available for companies that install certain types of solar panels.

Green Roofs

A green roof confers many advantages. It can help with storm water mitigation to eliminate runoff during heavy rains. A green roof absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into the air. The green roofing materials add insulation and reduce heat absorption through the roof, which helps to reduce the amount of electricity that is required to keep a building cool during the summer. You can even add a patio or access area to a green roof and turn it into a leisure place where your employees come for relaxation on their break time.

Delicate Building Materials

When you have delicate building materials such as sprayed foam insulation, they need to be kept cool. In a hot environment, the sprayed foam may deteriorate. Some companies, like Powerblanket, know that regulating the temperature of sensitive materials helps keep them safe. Keeping delicate materials at their optimum temperature is important.


Newer insulation products help to reduce unwanted air exchange with the outdoors. Sprayed foam insulation has high thermal resistance values and only needs to be installed once. Proper insulation helps to keep buildings consistently comfortable all year long.

Going green in your business does not have to be complicated. You can make one upgrade at a time as your budget allows. By doing the research and making cost-effective changes such as electronic cooling blankets for your server room, you can save money and use the savings to make even more green updates.



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