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Green Web Hosting

As more and more people begin to care about the planet we live on, the word “eco-friendly” is being used more often and louder every year. We know about recycled products, renewable energy sources, but what do we know about green web-hosting?

Everything on the planet requires energy and web servers are not an exception, as you can see. A single web server works on a continuous basis every day and it requires a lot of electricity to operate the processes. Now imagine a center with a huge number of web servers (as is commonly the case) and the scale of operations. It was evaluated that the quantity of energy the US datacenters need is equivalent to that 5 million houses, which are put together, consume. Many companies, just like HostingServicesLab, offer web hosting services on the attractive terms, so it is possible to host a website just like you want.

And now think: every year the amount of consumed energy will be growing; it will be coming from traditional, non-renewable sources such as coals, gas, etc. It is as much harmful for our ecosystem as coal factories or polyethylene bags. If you care about the planet and want to save the environment and you wonder, how to host your website or application without causing more harm, think about green web hosting.

What Is Eco-Friendly Web Hosts?

Nonpolluting web hosting is the company-provider which has a program to conserve as much power as possible and even to produce it from renewable sources. A great part of power, which data centers use to run the sites, is usually generated by carbon emitting mechanisms (which give out too much of carbon and other pollutants). As a rule, green web host providers want to lessen the amount of energy utilized by their servers: some employ equipment that takes less power and reduce energy by utilizing wherever possible; some use sun, wind and other renewable resources.

Green web hosting also implies unloading broken down and old computer equipment in a proper way so it won’t affect the environment. Just like some products, eco-friendly web hosts recycle certain electronic components.

What Host Is Green?

Actually, it is difficult to find a green host provider and a green emblem on the website, does not mean that it is truly green. It may be easy for the providers to say that they are ‘eco-friendly’ as one can’t go and check it. However, there are real green web hosting providers, which produce their own power from renewable sources, like use solar panels, wind generators and other harmless mechanisms.

Here are the things you must look at if you want to pick a real green hosting:

  • The certificates: Many companies present approvals that they are eco-friendly, make sure to examine the authenticity of the documents.
  • Read the policy carefully: Green sign does not prove that the company cares about the environment - have a minute to read the policy page and find out what it actually does to be a Nonpolluting one.
  • Energy star servers: The green host must use power star rated servers to lessen energy consumption.

Why It Is Important?

There are actually a lot of benefits. The energy conservation issue is becoming more and more essential matter of concern and companies are encouraged to work on power saving. Web hosting branch is one of the biggest power consumers in the tech world and if it can go green, what should be done? If you choose a nonpolluting web host, you make a choice to save the nature and preserve it for future generations and not to make any negative impact on the environment.



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