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Top 3 Green Cities In The USA

Public Parks as a Necessity

Moving into the other city happens for many reasons. Some people are in search for the better job and career opportunity, others look for the numerous leisure and culture experiences. And still others, who are keeping a high profile lately, want to find not just a standard place to live but also a place to admire. That means it has to be beautiful and ecologically safe. In order to achieve such effect, a big amount of public parks is essential. Why is it so important? Well, not everybody has enough money to afford oneself the desired backyard. Actually, the cost of living in major US cities  may take its toll on the personal budget.


Practical Benefits

At the same time, people tend to gravitate to spending time outdoors, playing games, riding a bicycle and simply trying to find a harmony with nature. Therefore, an acute needs for the free public parks appear. Moreover, such need is scientifically proved. Researchers from the BMC Public Health found evidence that physical activity outdoors is more advantageable by comparison with the synthetic environment like a gym. More specifically, it was showed to reduce stress, anger and burnout. Such objects as benches, fountains and gardens are already accessible in the most of the USA cities.  Surely with the help of green tips that save you money, it is possible to live a greener life despite your location. However, let's find out which cities are the "greenest" anyway!

Represented in our top cities were chosen on the basis of the 2015 City Park Facts Report and 2014 American Community Survey. These are 3 American municipalities with the most public park acres per 1,000 households. By "parks" all kinds of parkland within city area are meant.

Top 3

1. Fremont, California

City Area: 49,516 acres

Parkland: 25,109 acres

Parkland per 1,000 households: 343.9 acres

Stationing itself 40 miles southeast of City and County of San Francisco, Fremont's green half of land is pretty impressive. It was nominated "Tree City U.S.A." since 1996 by the National Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters.

Because of the physical proximity to the Silicon Valley, the cost expenses may seem to be exaggerated but 0.34 acres or about 15,000 square feet of public parkland on the each household definitely pay its own way. Moreover, there is often a possibility to spare, advice can be found on the financial advisor blog.

P.S. For the record, usual college basketball court is near 5,000 square feet.

2. New Orleans, Louisiana

City Area: 107,655 acres

Parkland: 27,208 acres

Parkland per 1,000 households: 178.1 acres

New Orleans is widely famous as culture and historic center. Its museums, cuisine, architecture and music delight connoisseur of art. But public parks are very popular as well. It is completely understandable, cause these pieces of nature are absolutely worth looking at. Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge is a sixth largest park in the USA and City Park is the nation's sixth oldest one. This park even offers space for the throwing birthday parties and holding weddings. Besides, there are located Botanical Garden, Sydney and WaldaBesthoff Sculpture Garden and  New Orleans Museum of Art.

3. El Paso, Texas

City Area: 159,763 acres

Parkland: 29,767 acres

Parkland per 1,000 households: 136.5 acres

This city can be called as the most available hiking site in the USA. All that it takes - to enter the Franklin Mountains State Park, nation’s largest metropolitan park and to have some fun. The plan of creation a park out of the Franklin Mountains appeared in 1970 and was brought to life in 1987. Now it became a wide center with a complete range of things to do, from rock climbing and camping to the annual history musical, Chamizal National Memorial, Wilderness Park Museum and many other attractions.



Recommended Comments

Excellent overview, thanks for sharing! I'm sure it must be nice to live there. However, if you are into green lifestyle, it is a lot better to turn your own place into the eco-friendly area instead of moving somewhere else. It is not that hard considering that solar panels are getting cheaper and you can actually profit by living a green life. Surely a few decades ago only rich could make their presence both comfortable and unharmful. Today you simply need to courage to make a change. Anyway, hope to see more posts from you about green living!

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It’s a very interesting info, thanks for sharing! I am a big fan of green blog and green living. I think that today being green means a perfect lifestyle, respect for yourself and for the world around. Some people say that they are too lazy to change their lifestyle and they think that everything is fine. I do not understand such an attitude! I would be glad to live in a greener place and to breath a fresh air. Everything is in our hands. By making small efforts we can change our lives into the better and live in a better and cleaner world!

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Very interesting review to read! It is so pleasant to check the thoughts of the grown up on "all fourth". Just kidding. Sometimes you face with many articles in the Internet that are written by the insane, I think. So it means a lot to me to check the right person's review with normal criticism. Besides, especially when the topic is Eco-world we all want to live in. We want to take everything from the mother nature, why don we give nothing to it in return. This review could make many people to scratch their heads over the problem we bring to the nature and, may be, to redefine values.

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I have to say I always was a big fan of California. Thank you Personal Money Service for this awesome list. But I am pretty surprised that there are only 3 green cities in the USA. It just seems not right when you go outside and see so many trees. But I guess you know way better than I do. I am surprised that El Paso is also on the list of the greenest cities. But it does not matter. What matters is the fact that we need to make all the cities as green as possible. But we have to do it the way that the economy could also benefit from this

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As usual, Personal Money Service has created the useful and interesting article! New Orleans was my dream since my childhood and I am glad that this place is one of the most favorable. Still, I would never choose Texas. Those, who reside in this area must have got used to the landscape and weather of this region. Still, I prefer green places with rivers and fresh year. Unfortunately, not always houses in such places are affordable. I think that it's better to apply for a mortgage and implement the dream rather than living in the place you don't enjoy. a

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The necessity of having a park around has been proved by the scientists as well as numerous environment preservers. People and their children understand the importance of having a park nearby, it gives you the opportunity to breathe fresh air every day, to have a picnic outside, to spend some quality time with your family and just to relax after a long working day. But all these activities that we want to have in parks require money and effort. That’s why we can always turn to Personal Money Service for help.

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So, I didn’t even expect that some of the mentioned cities in the article might be considered as “green”. Although, I’ve been living in El Paso for several months in the past and I would say it’s really hot and dry out there, like in a desert. So I’d rather prefer living in New Orleans with its own unique atmosphere of holiday and endless partying or, for sure, in California, which is perfect for ocean-lovers.


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