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Green Blog

Six Things People Are Doing to Encourage a Greener Future

Two problems the human race faces today are global warming and pollution. To ensure that the Earth remains habitable for people and animals, changes must occur. Thankfully, some people are taking the initiative to encourage a greener future. Below are six such examples.

1. Farmers Starting Wind Farms

In years past, farmers could only produce income by raising livestock and growing crops. Today, however, farmers all across the Midwest have been farming wind. This is done by giving permits to energy companies to install giant wind mills with high tech wind turbines on their land. This profits both the farmers as well as the environment through the production of clean energy.

2. Environmental Groups Cleaning Up Contamination

Pollution can ravage a local ecosystem and make the area unsafe for humans, plants and animals. Thankfully, pollution can also be reversed. One way to learn how to remove contamination and hazardous waste from a site is by taking a course from National Environmental Trainers. They can teach people how to safely remove contaminants from the environment. Taking this training can teach you how to safely make a site inhabitable again after it has been contaminated.

3. The Auto Industry Moving Away from Carbon Fuel

Currently, nearly all of the large automobile manufacturers are investing in research to make completely electric cars the standard of the future. While hybrid vehicles and electric cars are indeed currently available, they have yet to make a real impact on the market. However, with finer tuned technology and better infrastructure, that will soon change.

4. Recycled Steel Framed Houses

Recently, construction companies that build homes have begun moving away from using wood frames. The wood required to build the frame of a house can mean the loss of up to 50 trees. Instead, metal beams created from recycled steel are being used as a replacement. The steel is, of course, much stronger and sturdier as well.

5. Energy Efficient Smart Appliances

Appliances are becoming increasingly more efficient. Part of this is because of the implementation of smart technology that can allow a home owner to control and program appliances via a WiFi connection. They can be programmed to only run during certain parts of the day and to stop when energy consumption benchmarks have been passed.

6. Fisheries Fighting Extinction

In many areas of the world, certain species of fish are quickly reaching the endangered status. The traditional method of catching many species of fish is probably not sustainable. One way some in the food industry are counteracting this is by starting fisheries on land so that the fish in oceans and lakes can be preserved.

To overcome the problems presented by global warming and pollution, everyone in every sector of society needs to make a change. Thankfully, changes that could lead us to a greener future are in the pipeline.



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