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A blog where information about health and fitness is share.

Inhalation of carbon monoxide can make you sick and even kill you. It is a fate that bells thousands of people every year as they cross paths with this colorless, odorless, tasteless and poisonous gas. Its reputation is chillingly conveyed in its reputation as the silent killer. Approximately 500 people die every year in the US and thousands more undergo medical treatment from exposure carbon monoxide especially in the home. The symptoms that arise from exposure to carbon monoxide depend on t
The goal of all bodybuilders is the same, to pack some pure muscle. This is made possible by getting a good supply of proteins in your diet. Although your everyday food will contain some protein, it is impossible to digest enough quantities for the needs of your body and workout regime. This process of acquiring as much nutrients as possible from your food gradually gets inefficient with age. That is why it is encouraged to supplement your diet with protein supplements. What Are Protein Suppl
  • ethan
In October of 2013, a family of four sadly passed away in yet another incident of carbon monoxide poisoning. The death of the family from Merrillville, Indiana, once again brings to the fore the real danger posed by carbon monoxide. It is also proof that despite various campaigns and information dissemination from all quarters, a good number of people still don’t fully appreciate the potential dangers of burning fuels in poorly ventilated spaces. The four consisted of two parents and their 1
  • ethan

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