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How Garage Door Openers Function

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Most garage door openers are controlled by a switch on the garage wall, in addition to a remote control which is carried by the property owner.

For a wide range of openers, have a look at garage door openers Cleveland OH.


The Electronic Opener

Electric garage door openers, although invented in 1926, did not become popular until after World War II, whereby the keypad was located on a post, normally situated at the end of a driveway or as a switch which was positioned inside the garage.

Typically, an electronic garage door opener is made up of a power unit that consists of an electric motor. The power unit is attached to a track, while a trolley connects to an arm which is attached to the top of the garage door. This moves back and forth on the track, thereby opening and closing the door.

A screw, chain, or belt turns as the motor operates and pulls the trolley along the track. Attached to the trolley is a quick release mechanism which allows the garage door to be opened manually during a power failure or in an emergency.

The distance the door opens and closes is controlled by limit switches that are situated on the power unit control. When the motor receives a signal from the remote or the button on the garage wall, the door operates.


The Jackshaft Door Opener

A different form of opener has recently become more popular. This, the jackshaft opener, was regularly found on commercial doors, but more recently, it’s been adapted for the residential setting.

With the jackshaft opener, a motor is attached to the side of the torsion rod. The rod is spun and this moves the door up or down. To function safely, these openers require some extra components, including a cable tension monitor and a separate locking mechanism.

The advantage with this type of opener is that they free up ceiling space whereby the ordinary opener and rail occupy the space.


Remote Control

The original remote control garage openers were simple, consisting of a transmitter (remote) together with a receiver to control the opener mechanism.

The transmitter used a designated frequency to transmit, while the receiver would pick up the radio signal. Then, depending on the position of the door, it would open or close. It’s a similar technology to what was used for the detonation of bombs in World War II.

Ultimately, however, after a number of remote openers had come and gone, the most recent remote control garage openers now run on a 315 MHz frequency. This frequency avoids interference from various sources, including that of the Land Mobile Radio System which is used by the military.



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