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If you're looking for a place read everything and more about eco-friendly furniture and environmentally friendly buildings then you're in the right place!

Growing concerns for the environment has caused many to seek out green solutions, but some of the approaches to being more eco-friendly, such as urinals that pipe pee into the garden for use as fertilizer, simply aren’t all that appealing. What’s really needed is innovative ideas that meet or exceed LEED standards while creating a beautiful 'wow’ factor. For those working on an apartment building renovation project, the benefits of truly innovative green design include lower project costs, an
  • maya
In order to be eco-friendly in your home, there might be a lot of things you do, like using filtered water instead of water bottles and recycling everything that you can. While those things are great, are you being eco-friendly when it comes to your decor and style? A lot of people don't think about their footprint on the earth when they are buying furniture and decor, but it is something that can be done in a sustainable way. So, if you want to find some sustainable styles that you can be proud
  • maya
Going green is becoming a popular trend in the world today, as more and more homes and businesses are installing solar panels, recycling and using energy efficient materials and supplies in their premises, as a way of preserving the environment. Owners of storage facilities have not been left out, and a growing number of facilitates have started to adopt these environmentally friendly strategies. One of the most commonly embraced strategies is the use of solar power. This article details the mai
  • maya
With more than forty million Americans moving each year, often downsizing or temporarily leaving behind some of their possessions, the storage facilities business is booming. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reports that storage facility stocks gained more than any other type of stock in real estate investment trusts. The foreclosure crisis has also led to a boom in building new storage facilities. With all this in mind, it is important to access the environmental impact of these storage facilit
  • maya
Furnishing children's rooms are always a delightful activity, as they are the best rooms of the house to let your creative juices flow. If you are looking to decorate and furnish your child's room in an eco-friendly manner, here are five tips that will help you in doing so: 1. Use toxic free paints Isn't it rather ridiculous to see people holding their breaths when painting their walls? If it's toxic then, imagine when you are sleeping at night, inhaling those chemicals! Look for paints th
  • maya
According to the United States Census Bureau, more the forty million Americans move each year. Moreover, this is a growing trend since the American population is becoming increasingly mobile. Unfortunately, each move has a significant environmental impact. However, if we each do our part, we can also reduce this impact substantially. Below, you will find six eco-friendly moving tips on how to reduce your environmental footprint when you move. Use Eco-friendly Moving Boxes Instead of buying
  • maya

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