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Green Roofing Tips: Bringing Energy Efficiency To Your Roof

The roof of a building should do more than keep the rain out. After all, when properly designed and planned, a roof can also be an energy efficiency power house, thus keeping the building occupants comfortable and saving money at the same time.   The options for creating an energy efficient roof, or just improving an existing one, are numerous. This means that homeowners will certainly find one or more options that work for them and their budget.   Attic insulation   Attics are neglected corner



Recycled Printing Materials

Here's why companies should consider recycled printing materials... even for ads! For all the talk of the paperless office or moving business "to the cloud," printed material is still fluttering about as much as it ever was. Just about every business has things that simply must be printed, whether it's contracts and forms or banners, flyers, and business cards. To be sure, trying to reduce your paper consumption by shifting to digital and email is a great way to do your part for the enviro



Greener roads

In today's world of technology more and more people are going green. The economy has suffered tremendously. Making the importance of electric cars, bikes, and motor scooters more apparent. People today are looking for ways to save money, live cleaner and protect our futures. That's why it's not very surprising when your driving down the road that you may see a motor scooter for sale. Easy on wallet Motor scooters are a great way to get around town and save money. The ones that have 50cc en



Reduced E-Waste By Recycling and Reusing

Are you one of those careless consumers who will replace their electronics every once in a while and doesn't bother to recycle the old hardware properly? The use of electronic products like mobile phones, tablets, computers and printers have increased greatly in the past decade. It is estimated that over 50 million tons of electronic waste are disposed every year. The United States alone disposes more than 30 million computers per year. According to the EPA, only 15% of the e-waste are properly



Green Car Myths

With the increasing concern, people are showing towards the environment, car manufacturers have kept coming up with ways of ensuring energy efficiency. Hybrid cars and electric cars are some of the newest additions to the world of sustainable motoring. Before getting your hybrid, there are some myths you should know about these green cars. Image source: Carzoos.com.au They are not Cost-efficient The claim that hybrids are too expensive for most motorists is just an excuse made up by t



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