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Green Blog

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Notes on environment news and events

Entries in this blog

City Living, Green Solutions: Bringing Nature Closer in a Concrete World

In today’s world, cities seem to be forever expanding. Corporate, modern offices, high-rise apartment buildings and packed-in-like-sardines homes are now the norm. While there’s no doubting the benefits of city living, this boom in concrete living means that those of us in urban and city areas are forced to face the prospect of living in residential environments with poorer quality or quantity of green space. It is a well known fact that most large cities have microclimates, whereby the inner ci

Rachel Reef

Rachel Reef

Why You Should Keep Those Trees Around Your House

More and more often we come across information that the pollution in cities is severely damaging our health. Species are being extinct. Mankind has drifted away from nature in more ways that we can count. Sadly, we forget how nature works in its wonderful ways. We don’t really care about the trees, we need more parking space. More roads. More shopping centres. More, more, more... In an imaginary situation, which one is more natural to you: a house surrounded by trees, with a lovely garden in

Rachel Reef

Rachel Reef

Don't Forget to Do the Dusting!

Queensland Labor Party Supports Tough Measures To Minimize Air Pollution Caused By Coal Dust In December, we witnessed the Labor Party of Queensland supporting the stringent measures that are being implemented to limit the amount of coal being transported through Brisbane in an effort to contain the air pollution caused by coal dust. The measures being implemented include providing covers for trains transporting coal and stockpiles of coal. At the state’s recently concluded ALP conference,

Rachel Reef

Rachel Reef

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