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Sustainable Gardening

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Great Tips To Help Your Sustainable Gardening


Conserve Water - Don't waste

Reduce Fuel Energy - Pull some weeds by hand, save on fuel in weed eaters and lawn mowers

LED Lights - These use 50% less energy in garden lighting for garden statues, landscaping lights  and ornaments

Compost - Compost - Compost - Tree clippings, winter leaves and organic matter - Grind up with your lawnmower and make compost

Plant Selection - Use those drought tolerate type native plants and grasses. This makes maintenance easier and conserves water.

Garden Design - Reduce your garden's size. And Plant evergreen trees for windbreaks.


Entries in this blog

Small Area Gardening Ideas

No matter how small your areas is, we have some great ideas for gardening in small areas. Perennial plants works well in small areas as does small shrubs, ground cover plants and some vegetable plants like tomatoes, cucumbers and okra.         If you've got a bit of a green thumb but don't have much space to work with, it's still possible to create lush spreads of garden plants. The key is choosing the right flora for your particular situation. Here are a few excellent choices that will fit int

Tree Sales

Tree Sales

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