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A blog by AndreSmith in General
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If you are thinking about moving, you should consider being as eco-friendly as possible. There are many small things that you can do that will help the environment while making your move a simpler process. Enjoy using these tips whenever you are thinking about relocating your home. Share What You Have If you have a lot of items, you may consider donating some to charity so that you can rent a smaller moving truck. This will be a good choice for the environment, and you can feel good about
As world population grows and the planet heats up, the effects of anthropogenic strain on the environment become ever clearer. This has created a fervor worldwide to solve the problem across the board. How can we maintain our highly processed civilization without creating a hugely negative impact on the environment? The answer is we can't. For our civilization to continue to grow, we will have to find ways to thrive within the needs of the environment. There are several solutions that are slo

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