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Green Blog

Greener Internet Use

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Did you know that you can reduce your impact on the environment by changing your computer habits? It's true! Here are five ideas to make your online browsing greener than ever

1. Google less. Indeed, according to Google, about 100 searches represent the same amount of energy as a 60 watt bulb burning for 28 minutes. And best of all, it's even easier than turning off the lights.

2. Unplug your internet when you are on vacation. Many people don't know that their internet uses electricity even when they are out of the house or on vacation. By turning it off when you are away, that energy won't get used. And it will keep those nasty network mouchers off your site.

3.  Turn your computer screen down. The bright it is, the more electricity it uses. In addition, it can also be beneficial before bed.

4. Get a more energy efficient computer. Otherwise, you are basically running a car exhaust at all times.

5. Finally, don't use the internet.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

Ryan MacKellar is an SEO consultant who lives in Toronto.

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