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As geoengineer advocates enter Trump administration, plans advance to spray sun-reflecting chemicals into atmosphere



A ring around the sun, is seen over Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Friday, May 17, 2002. The halo is a rare effect on the sun caused by a layer of ice crystals in the atmosphere refracting light from the sun. Photograph: Lou Toman/AP


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Trump presidency 'opens door' to planet-hacking geoengineer experiments

As geoengineer promoters enter Trump organization, arranges progress to shower sun-reflecting chemicals into environment  A ring around the sun, is seen over Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Friday, May 17, 2002. The corona is an uncommon impact on the sun brought on by a layer of ice precious stones in the environment refracting light from the sun. Photo: Lou Toman/AP  Harvard engineers who launched the world's greatest sun oriented geoengineering research program may ge



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