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Green Blog

Jessica Greenberg's Blog

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One girl's thoughts about business, nature and everything else

Entries in this blog

Top Ridiculous Green Ideas That Might Actually Work

So you've heard that our planet's fossil fuel capacity is at near zero capacity and that everyone is scrambling to get their hands on any type of renewable energy available. From wind power to solar panels, a lot of people want to know the final solution to the energy crisis. Well, I'm no scientist but I do want an endless supply of electrical power because civilization depends on electricity. A world without electricity is chaos, so we should all do our part to make sure that our planet stays c

Jessica Greenberg

Jessica Greenberg

Celebrating Comic Conventions with Custom T-Shirts

Well, San Diego's Comic Con may be over, but I am still feeling the after-effects. Considered as one of the biggest comic conventions ever, San Diego's Comic Con is the place where every nerds (and nerds-at-heart) gather. From cosplayers to comic book artists, it is one of the best places to be if you are (and will always be) an avid comic book fan. I was one of the comic book fans who attended the said event and it was a really big success. I also got to see a lot of movie teasers from the u

Jessica Greenberg

Jessica Greenberg

How to Avoid Distractions During Business Hours

I know. It really sucks to be distracted, especially if you are at work. Whenever work comes, your greatest foe would probably be the daily distractions that ruin your work mood. Be it the sound of cars, your kids running around the house, or an annoying friend calling you for gossip, everyone has his or her own share of distractions. When you have a pile of work to do at your home or office, you really need to get focused one hundred percent but there are times that no matter what you do, th

Jessica Greenberg

Jessica Greenberg

Recycling 101 - What To Do With Extra Lumber

Whether it's wood left behind because of a house renovation or your husband or older brother built a new treehouse, leftover lumber is still usable. Instead of just throwing the extra wood away, why don't you try building something with it? With the Earth getting warmer everyday because of the greenhouse effect, it's only natural that we should protect our trees as they're the only ones who can take that much punishment from the sun. To do just that, we have to use lumber wisely. Asides from

Jessica Greenberg

Jessica Greenberg

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