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In a culture that recycles over 150 million metric tons of metallic materials each year in the US alone, one cannot honestly say that there is no recycling effort taking place. Yet, many people are not aware of the many benefits that can be derived from a comprehensive effort to clean up the environment. Our article below covers several direct benefits produced today by scrap metal recycling operations across the US. Economic Reasons The US scrap metal recycling industry in 2008 resulted i
Savannah Coulsen
Congratulations! Your permit to build a new house has been approved. There are some things you need to consider when designing and building your dream home. One of the most important aspects is how energy efficient your home will be once it is built. This is important because non energy efficient products will eventually need to be replaced and will cost you more money to maintain. By starting at the conception stage with planning out what materials will be used where and noting how certain mate
Savannah Coulsen
If you're used to thinking of recycled paper as being dingy or recycled plastic as being weak or making discolored products, then you don't know modern recycling. The reincarnation of certain materials through recycling means they will live forever. Glass Glass can be recycled endlessly with no loss of quality. The industry term for scrap glass that's furnace-ready is cullet, and the only material used more than cullet is sand. Cullet is always an important ingredient in glass, which decre
Savannah Coulsen

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