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Green Blog

Dreaming of a Waste-Free Planet

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Our habits have a great impact on the planet and life on earth, so it is essential for us to be as mindful as possible in order to decrease our consumption and carbon footprint. Unfortunately, we rarely think about the impact we leave in the form of packaging, old clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. Putting groceries in cloth bags and buying fresh, unpacked food is a good way to reduce our food waste.

What else do you do for a waste-free planet?

Entries in this blog

9 Ways to Minimize Your Waste

Shop at second-hand stores.  Use reusable bags and containers. Shop items made of recycled materials. Always dispose garbage properly, sort recyclable and compostable products and empty the contents into labeled containers. Buy products which are reusable, returnable or refillable. Buy in bulk, not individually wrapped items. Purchase liquid cleaning products, windshield washer fluid and antifreeze in concentrated forms. Compost food and yard wast

Allan Pomeroy

Allan Pomeroy

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