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Eco-Friendly Ways to Keep Warm in Frigid Weather

A lot of people are shipping Jack Frost and Elsa these days despite coming from different movies--Rise of the Guardians and Frozen, respectively--because of their similar abilities. The cool pair seems like they would make a match in frozen heaven and if we were whimsical, we would blame all this freezing weather to this icy couple. Whimsy aside, it’s important that we set our focus on how to keep warm in frigid temperatures and do it in a way that won’t be harmful to our environment. Pile



Green Resolutions for 2014

New year’s day is resolutions time and normally, I wouldn’t make any. However, since a couple of years ago, I re-started the trend and surprisingly, they kind of worked. This is why this year, I am making a new batch of resolutions to start the year right and keep me going until the end of the year. This time around, my focus is on green resolutions. Go Organic For months I have been wanting to adapt a healthier lifestyle and going organic. Some people think that going organic is expensive



Eco-Friendly Ways to Bring Back Shining, Shimmering to Your Jewelry

You have a party to go to come weekend and so you take out your jewelry that you only wear on special occasions, only to realize that it has lost its sparkle. The once shining, shimmering accessory has become dull and you’re thinking that you need to head to the mall to buy some jewelry cleaner. But you don’t actually need to buy one because you can make your own jewelry cleaner at home. And the best part is, you can make sure it’s environmentally-friendly. Dishwashing Soap This is one re



Green Travel Bucket List

Everyone has their own travel bucket list, which contains all the places that they want to visit the most at least once in their lifetime. At the top of my travel bucket list is Japan, because I have always been fascinated by the country and its culture, and I also want to put my basic Japanese skills to the test. While there are those who choose to travel in order to immerse into other cultures, there are also those who choose to travel in a green way. In short, they want to try exploring the w



Painting the World Green One Day at a Time

These days, the phrase “paint the town green” just might take over the original “paint the town red.” The reason behind this logic has probably something to do with our current situation and the sorry state that Mother Earth is in. For years, humans have been purging the planet of whatever resources they can use with little regard of how this may affect the future. Now their actions in the past have caught up with them and the consequences aren’t pretty. Today, people have to contend with ho



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