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The Main Features of a Green Home

Green, sustainable building is conquering the world of architecture. It’s no wonder - building homes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient is rewarding on many levels. By building homes that are “green” you’re minimizing impact on both people’s health and the natural environment. Image Credit: GJ Gardner What are the main characteristics of a green home? To begin with, it is a building that efficiently uses natural resources and alternative sources of energy. It is

Patrick Gibson

Patrick Gibson

Organic Food Supplements

What Is Organic Food? Since there is not an "official" definition of this term, we'll consider that organic food, in order to be considered organic, must meet the following requirements: - It was grown and produced without using artificial chemicals, such as artificial fertilisers and pesticides. - It has not been genetically modified (GM), or exposed to radiation. Why Is Organic Food Better Than Supplements? The main reason is that when you consume organic food, you know that what y

Patrick Gibson

Patrick Gibson

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