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Lizzie Weakley's Green Blog

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Helping to make our society more green and energy independent one blog post at a time

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Have Poor Indoor Air Quality? 5 Ways to Purify Your Space

Most people maintain a clean interior setting each week while spending time at home. The air quality in your home has an influence on the health of residents who live on the property and will determine how well you breathe while spending time in the building. If you want to purify your space, there are a few important steps to take. 1. Use an Air Purifier An air purifier is a useful product that will remove dust, pollen, and pet dander that is present in the air. Use the product in the most us



Sunny D: Why Solar Power is a Greener and Cleaner Way to Power Your Home

Generating energy to power our homes and businesses, especially in the United States, is an expensive task, both economically and environmentally. The best way to produce that power is the topic of many research studies that seek to keep the process of energy production as efficient as possible. Solar power is quickly becoming a more reliable, affordable, and cleaner way to power your home. The Old Way of Generating Power Most energy produced in the US today is produced by coal- or natural ga



How to Achieve Maximum Energy Efficiency for Your Air Conditioner

If you are like a lot of people, you might just turn your air conditioner on when you need it without really putting much thought into its efficiency. However, focusing on air conditioning efficiency is smart for a few reasons. These are some tips that can help you do so. Have Your Air Conditioning System Professionally Installed If you are having a new air conditioning system installed in your home, it is not a good idea to try to do it yourself. Even though you might be tempted t



Summer Heat: How to Get the Most out of Your Air Conditioner

Making sure that your air conditioning system works properly is probably very important to you and your family during the summer months. If you are concerned about your system or if you want to ensure that it works as effectively as possible, however, you shouldn't worry. Instead, follow these tips to get the most out of your air conditioner when dealing with the summer heat. Block Out the Sun First of all, if you have the sun shining into your home on a hot, sunny day, it can make



Green Homes: How Your Roof Can Impact Your Energy Efficiency

If you have a green home, you already know that the key to green living is to make the most of your energy consumption. Did you know that having the right roof can make the biggest difference in your home’s energy usage and the size your energy bill? Much of your home’s heat loss in the winter, and source of heat in the summer is the roof. Let’s learn more about how your roof affects your green home. Dark Roofs in the Summer Did you know that darker roofs can heat up to 50 to 60 degrees h



5 Reasons to Take Your Home Solar This Summer

Summer is coming and the sun is shining. But the sun serves as more than just a backdrop for long summer days and vacation memories. Those same solar rays that illuminate your days at the beach and your backyard picnics can also serve to provide energy to your house. Listed below are five ways in which switching to solar energy benefits your lifestyle and your bank account. Energy Savings One of the greatest befits of going solar is the amount of savings incurred on monthly electricity bills



Home Energy Efficiency: How to Stay Cool in Your Home and Save Money This Summer

The summer season is rapidly approaching, which means we will start to experience hot weather very soon. Staying cool inside your house is one of the best ways to beat the intense summer heat, but it can also lead to high energy bills. These are the four best ways to stay cool in your home this summer without spending a lot of money on energy bills. Install an Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner Purchasing and installing a new energy-efficient air conditioner may seem like a big expense, but it



Commerical HVAC: Why You Need to Optimize Your System Before Summer

During the warm summer season, your business may heavily rely on your commercial HVAC system for climate control. Summer months are known for high humidity levels and intense temperatures, and both of these issues can combine together to create an unbearable indoor environment unless you have cool air from your HVAC system streaming into your space. Now is the ideal time to set up maintenance service for your commercial cooling system by reaching out to a reputable HVAC service provider. By doin



Plumbing Blunders: How Bad Plumbing Can Affect Your Home Efficiency

Many homeowners are focused on improving home efficiency in various ways. Running an efficient home can ultimately save you money and even maintain or improve property value over time. You may think that you have thoroughly covered all of the bases through your property maintenance projects, but there may be one area that you have overlooked. Your home’s plumbing system impacts efficiency in several ways, and you cannot overlook this component if you want to enjoy a truly efficient, well-maintai



5 Home Repairs in Spring and Summer for Optimal Energy Efficiency

As the weather turns warm and thermostats get turned down, many people will see a spike in their electric bills. Fortunately, there are a lot of options to make your house more energy-efficient. From simple steps that can be done in minutes to more intensive projects that may require hiring a professional, these tips can help lower your energy costs and make your home more environmentally friendly. Install Ceiling Fans Ceiling fans can drop the temperature of a room up to four degrees withou



Your Well Water Supply: How to Keep it Green and Clean

Well water is not processed in the same way as a municipal water supply. Since there is no water treatment plant, you will have to take action to protect your well water. These four tips can help you to keep your well water supply clean and healthy. Avoiding Pesticides and Herbicides Although you will not be able to control what your neighbors do on their property, it is a good idea to avoid using pesticides and herbicides on yours. These chemicals can leach into the groundwater and contamina



Propane Efficency: Why You Should Use it as a Heating Source

Whether you plan to heat the house, office or warehouse, using propane is the right choice for your budget and the environment. People using propane vehicles notice the differences when they stop using petroleum and save more money on their rides, according to research by the U.S. Department of Energy. Today, people count on propane as the ideal source of clean energy in homes and buildings. Propane is Not a Hazard Propane is a colorless, odorless gas that is nontoxic. Whether it's referred



Well Water: How to Make Sure it Stays Clean and Drinkable

If you own a home supplied with well water, you are in a surprisingly large company. According to the EPA, approximately 15% of Americans get their water from a private source. But with it comes responsibility. You don’t have a city service regulating your water. Taking short cuts or not knowing what you are doing could lead to bad-tasting water, or even severe illness. You can take several steps to help make sure you and your family keep drinking clean refreshing water. Research Call a loca



Powering the World: How to Become More Energy Efficient

Creating an energy-efficient environment can benefit you in many ways. It can cut down your electric bill and provide you with the means to claim a tax break in some cases. If you have not yet transformed to living an energy-efficient life, these tips can help you get started.   Have Your Insulation Checked   The first and quickest way that you can be energy-efficient is by checking the insulation in your home. You contact a professional to have an inspection. If the inspection



Bringing in the Heat: Energy Efficient Tips For Keeping the Office Warm

Keep your office warm without seeing the bill skyrocket. It takes only a few, small changes to keep the heat in and keep the energy usage down. Here are several energy-efficient tips to preserve the warmth in your office. Lower Your Thermostat a Few Degrees You save energy with every one or two degrees you turn down. Make adjustments whenever you feel the weather change throughout the day. Maintain warm room temperatures within 60 to 70 degrees. At the end of the month, you will save at leas



Chilly in Winter? 4 Signs You Have an Inefficient Heating System

An inefficient heating system could cost you hundreds of dollars each year, and sadly, most homeowners don’t even know they are wasting this much money because they assume as long as the heater is producing heat, it’s working 100 percent. To know if your heating system is being inefficient, here are four things you will want to look out for. 1. High Gas Consumption Chances are your utility company allows you to view your bills from a few years ago, and if you don’t have an online account, co



7 Reasons Why Now is an Important Time to Get Your Family Involved in Recycling

Recycling as a family can be beneficial and fun. Being able to teach children about the benefits of the practice instills good habits and provides a science lesson they never expected. Here are seven reasons why it is important to start recycling as a family. We Can Cut Down on the Production of Cans According to the charity, Wheels for Wishes, there are approximately 105,784 aluminum cans being recycled in the United States every single minute. Unfortunately, 350,000 brand new c



3 Ways to Keep Well Water System Green and Clean

We all know we must have water in order to survive. Many people do not question the safety of the water that comes out of their tap. According to the US Geological Survey, approximately 15% of individuals use private well water for their drinking water source. But is such water safe? We will look at 3 ways to ensure your well water is safe for consumption. Pay Attention to Warning Signs Many well system owners rely upon their wells for drinking water and water for cooking and cle



How Cleaning Up Your Community Can Help Bring in the Holiday Cheer

With the holidays officially upon us, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what truly matters this time of year. Amidst all the shopping and festivities, some of the most rewarding acts of cheer this season are performed for the good of one's community. Nothing brings a town or urban borough closer together than small but heartfelt acts of generosity, from volunteering with local shelters and charitable programs to taking extra care to keep things clean and looking their most inviting.



5 Green Home Renovations for Optimal Energy Efficiency

Green and eco-friendly construction is the way of the future. Current homeowners are doing what they can to make their homes green through small (or large) remodeling projects. While some can get pricey, the long-term pay off for any green project is immeasurable. Technology is being developed every day to advance green building practices, maximize renewable resources, and reduce our carbon footprint. If you are looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, here are a few suggestio



How to Make Your Plumbing System More Efficient for the Winter Months

The winter season poses several problems for Colleyville residential and commercial property owners. Sudden temperature drops can freeze pipes and cause leaks, flooding and expensive remediation. It can also take longer than usual and cost more to get repairs during emergency calls this time of year. To make your plumbing system more efficient and less likely to break down this winter, do the following: Add More Insulation One of the best ways to prevent pipe freezing is by using insulation



How the Proper Home Utilities Can Reduce Your Impact on the Environment

As time rolls on, it is becoming increasingly apparent how much we impact the world around us. Be it the seemingly small choices we make--like what to watch on a Saturday night--or the bigger choices involving a person's livelihood, each decision has a grander importance that goes beyond ourselves; even if we don't realize it. Negative choices as well as positive ones have far reaching impacts that can last for years to come. That's why it is so crucial for households to do their part in reducin



Why You Should Be Using Propane to Heat Your Office Building

Running a business means making a lot of important decisions on a daily basis. However, one thing many business owners tend to not think about is how they’re heating their office. One choice that has many benefits that you should certainly consider during the colder months of the year is heating your office with propane. It Helps the Environment When people think of eco-friendly fuel sources, propane does not usually come to mind. However, it is a green alternative fuel recognized by the gov



How to Make Sure You Have Clean Air in Your Home

Most people assume that they have clean air in the home and that their environment is safe to live in, but pollutants and dust from the outdoors are known to settle inside of buildings. This can often lead to asthma and allergies for many residents in each season of the year. To increase your home's air quality and create a cleaner setting, there are a few important steps to take to breathe easier. Replace Your HVAC Filters The filters in your HVAC system will circulate dirty air if they are



How Green Roofing Can Help Your Office Improve Energy Efficiency

The type of roof you choose plays a major role in the amount of energy your company uses for heating and cooling. Given that climate control is responsible for the lion’s share of your energy usage, it makes sense to take steps to lower those expenses as much as possible. Today’s business owners are looking to green roofing solutions to lower their costs and to conserve natural resources for future generations. Cool Roof Roofing materials that absorb heat create several problems. Overheated a



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