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This image shows the corpse of an albatross that has had his gut filled with different plastic objects. Many birds and animals often mistake plastics with food and then, as you might imagine, starve to death.

I've seen this picture being published on a numerous of websites. But I don't actually know who should be credited for it. It seems it comes from Algalita - the marine research foundation.

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Guest Steve_Barker

Guest Steve_Barker


Last year we went to Gigha, a small island off the west coast of Kintyre, Scotland, for our holidays. http://www.gigha.org.uk/index.php If you want somewhere thats as near to paradise as you can get, Gigha is the place. However, even on a small island which feels remote from the world plastics rear there ugly presence. Near the top of the island aretwo beaches which are on either side of a piece of land connecting an "almost" island, see Twin Beaches pic below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigha The southern beach is on an ocean current and is continually deluged with plastic, bottles, pill blister packs, carrier bags, etc - the northern beach (and the rest of the island) is sheltered from the the current and has the most wonderful beach/s.

Guest Vishnu

Guest Vishnu


The picture looks a bit made up for me. But the message is crystal clear, various spicies are being threatened by plastics being carelessly dumped into the worlds oceans. Ocean turtles, for instance, mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, their food. Some towns have done the right things by discouraging the use of plastic bags. http://www.planetark.com/campaignspage.cfm/newsid/58/newsDate/7/story.htm

Guest dominik

Guest dominik


The picture is O.K., just I don't think the trash made him die. Although the picture is "clear".

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