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Wind power anywhere with MARS

If I say Mars, what do you think of then? No, the planet Mars is the wrong answer. The correct answer is Magenn's Power Turbine MARS.

MARS is a new simple solution to produce wind energy, anywhere. According to Magenn their MARS has all advantages over current existing wind turbines.

But how does it work and why is it better than ordinary wind turbines?

MARS produces its energy 1000 feet up in the air. That means MARS can generate electricity on a regular basis. Another upside with MARS compared to the more ordinary wind turbines is that it can't produce the so called "ground turbulence" and that, according to Magenn, MARS won't kill any birds due to its big compact size.

MARS is bird and bat friendly with lower noise emissions and is capable of operating in a wider range of wind speeds - from 4 mph to greater than 60 mph.

Magenn says MARS is as silent as an air conditioner. No wonder when it's located 100 feet up in the air. But how does it get so high up in the air you might wonder? Well, Magenn's Air Rotor System is filled with helium which makes it lighter than air. Just like how an airship works.

With MARS Magenn is trying to attract developing nations that has a limited or non existent energy infrastructure. MARS will go into production sometime this year.

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This could be a very interesting technology, though I was wondering do they reel them in when storm winds are a blowing? The other issue i see with these is the possibility of interfering with air traffic, even earth bound turbines of any size require FAA certification in the USA , would be very interesting to see what the process is for getting permitted for these.

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I just want to ask if this is the project presented on planet green of Discovery Channel? This is really a great technology when it comes to saving our planet. A salute to the persons who made this possible.

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