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Solar panels. Photo by MargiL.Just in time for Al Gore's major renewable energy challenge Florida's Public Service Commission has "unanimously and enthusiastically" approved plans to build USA's largest commercial solar-power plant (so far, we hope). Two other facilities also got the green light by the committee and are due to go online around 2009.

SunPower has been chosen to construct the three solar plants in the state of Florida. Howard Wenger, senior vice president, global business units for SunPower, said that "these agreements confirm the growing trend in the U.S. to build solar power plants at a scale rivaling those in market-leading countries such as Germany and Spain."

The largest of the three plants will be connected with a natural gas plant and have an effect of 75-megawatt and will be placed in Martin County on the East Coast. In DeSoto County the largest solar plant in USA will be located with an effect of 25-megawatt. The third 10-megawatt plant will be placed at the Kennedy Space Center.

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