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clean-coal-cleanThe Reality Coalition recently released a new TV ad, called "Air Freshener". It's directed by Academy Award winners Joel and Ethan Coen. In the ad a pitchman tries to sell a "Clean Coal Clean"-scented air freshener that works just as well as "clean coal."

"We were excited to be part of this important project and tell another side of the 'clean' coal story," said the Coen brothers.

The "Air Freshener" ad is the first in a series of ads that are directed by the Coen brothers for the Reality campaign. The new ads are designed and produced by Boulder, Colorado-based Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the agency responsible for the ground-breaking "Truth" anti-tobacco campaign.

"The coal industry has spent tens of millions of dollars selling the illusion of so-called 'clean coa'," said Brian Hardwick of the Alliance for Climate Protection. "Why? Because marketing and lobbying are much cheaper than actually making coal plants clean."

Hardwick continued: "Coal companies would rather protect the status quo than actually do what is necessary for coal to be truly clean and be part of an energy future that doesn’t destroy the planet. We’re challenging them to stop the bogus marketing campaign, stop their delay tactics and support real progress toward climate solutions."

Watch the ad:

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