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Bob Lutz dismisses global warming as a Bob Lutz, Vice Chairman of General Motors is trying his best to downplay a comment regarding climate change he made a few weeks ago. In front of reporters in Texas Bob Lutz dismissed global warming as a "total crock of s---".

He still foolishly tries to defend his comment by saying, in a blog entry titled Talk About a Crock, that his "thoughts on what has or hasn’t been the cause of climate change have nothing to do with the decisions I [he] make to advance the cause of General Motors."

Yeah. Right.

Bob Lutz have also opposed laws that would force automakers to sell smaller cars saying it would be "like trying to address the obesity problem in this country by forcing clothing manufacturers to sell smaller, tighter sizes".

There is no wonder that GM is doing so good financially and falling behind the "green" auto-industry leaders like Toyota (with their Prius) when they have people like Bob Lutz running the company.

Image credit: Rockershirt. Image licensed under a

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Guest Jack

Guest Jack


If you know Bob Lutz there is no way he would try to downplay anything he's ever said. This is just another attempt to put down GM and it's workers.

Guest Jeff Sokol

Guest Jeff Sokol


This is an interesting take...GM has already put together a deal with putting water fuel technology in their hybrid automobiles. This is creating a buzz around the whole country, people are increasing their gas mileage by 50%+, and even the Pentagon is getting involved, adding this technology to their military Hummers. This alternative fuel source will ultimately decrease America's dependency on foreign oil. When the use of water for fuel goes global, we can reduce emissions dramatically across the world. This alternative fuel source can be applied to any engine, and personally, I hope to see it worldwide on every new vehicle inside of 10 years.

Guest Promomaker

Guest Promomaker


Are they trying to put down gm? this is crazy Promomaker www.promomaker.blogspot.com

Guest Bryce

Guest Bryce


Well, the proof will come when companies like Toyota and Honda make massive profits, whilst GM is left to sink in it's own stubbourness and greed.

Guest Sara

Guest Sara


Wow, sounds like Lutz is kind of a verbal klutz, and his ideas about global warming are no surprise since GM is so far behind Honda and Toyota on the green scene. I wonder how his PR professional's heart attack went.

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