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The stupidity coming from the religious right in USA never ceases to amaze me. This time it's Congressman John Shimkus’s (R-Ill) who said that God will decide when the earth will end during introductory remarks at a House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment hearing last week:

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"And in this clip, the congressman concludes his inane questioning of British climate change denier Christopher Monckton (and past advocate of forcibly quarantining all people with AIDS for life), by implying that climate change is not a threat because God has already said in the bible that "the Earth will not be destroyed by a flood.""

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Via ForceChange

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Simon Grand Master



It's scary that people vote for politicians like John Shimkus...

Guest sikat ang pinoy

Guest sikat ang pinoy


I think, he is referring to God's power and command that God is the only one who knows. It is also written in Genesis that God promised already that he will not do again on Earth what happened in time of Noah.

Guest sikat ang pinoy

Guest sikat ang pinoy


I think, he is referring to God's power and command that God is the only one who knows. It is also written in Genesis that God promised already that he will not do again on Earth what happened in time of Noah.

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