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Inaction on climate change is not an option, says Angela Merkel

Speaking at a climate conference in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that inaction on global warming is "not an option" and called on nations to redouble efforts to secure an internationally binding climate change treaty.

After being invited by the governments of Poland and Germany, environment and climate ministers from 35 countries "“ who together are responsible for around 80% of world carbon emissions - gathered earlier this week at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue conference in Berlin for a round of dialogue and informal negotiations ahead of the UN climate summit (COP19) in Warzaw, Poland, later this year.

While stressing that all countries need to act, Merkel demanded immediate and bold action on climate change so that a binding climate treaty that limits emissions that cause global warming can be reached by 2015. "I'm under no illusion that there is a long road ahead," Merkel said at the conference. But "doing nothing only means that it will get a whole lot more expensive."

These are indeed strong words for global action against climate change. But while Germany's carbon emissions rose by two percent last year, Merkel has so far seemed uninterested in fixing Europe's severely broken cap-and-trade program and failed to push for tougher climate policies for the European Union.

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Within the past year I've become a little pessimistic about climate change. I used to be an advocate for everything green and i wanted to help humanity save itself, however after much thinking I came to a realization that in order for us to coexist with earth and restore balance to this algebraic mess, humans must be equal somewhere close to zero in that equation. We seem to be like a multiplying cancer taking over a very beautiful cell in the body of the universe.

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I find this message to be blatantly hypocritical coming from Angela Merkel. Germany is actively increasing their emmissions using renewable energy as the excuse, at the same time as they shut down their only emission-free alternative. Germany has built or is building a huge fossil fuel infrastructure, including the world's largest coal burning power station as a backup to their renewable energy initiatives, shunning a perfectly usable safe, emisson-free nuclear option. Is this insanity, bloody mindedness or just plain stupidity? Who knows? But to get up and lecture other nations on the urgent need to do something to curb emissions and address climate change? What absolute hypocrisy!

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