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"Goodbye from world's biggest polluter"

Daniel Mittler, political advisor to Greenpeace International, said this when he was about to leave the G8 Summit in Toyako, Japan:

There are a lot empty water bottles and even more coffee cups lying around the International Media Centre at the G8. The rooms are slowly emptying out and the faces of those remaining are drained and tired. As I am sure is mine. The last three days were wasted days for addressing the global crises we face. But at least we managed to counter the predictable, positive spin leaders put on the pathetic statements they put out here. For one (of gladly many) good media stories on the
united NGO reaction against the G8 climate deal click here
. Our Home, the Planet needs action. All it got here, was 8 leaders' signatures who failed to do what is needed...

And of course Bush had to joke about his climate criminal acts when he left the pointless G8 meeting: Bush to G8: 'Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter'

President George Bush signed off with a defiant farewell over his refusal to accept global climate change targets at his last G8 summit.

As he prepared to fly out from Japan, he told his fellow leaders: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter."

President Bush made the private joke in the summit's closing session, senior sources said yesterday. His remarks were taken as a two-fingered salute from the President from Texas who is wedded to the oil industry. He had given some ground at the summit by saying he would "seriously consider" a 50 per cent cut in carbon emissions by 2050.

You can discuss G8 in our green forum here. Via Making Waves.

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