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Why do I love Eco-Denmark

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This morning I saw some documentary about Denmark which Impressed me so much.So,I google for some more infos and thought to share in this green community.

The use of cycle is the developed country is so rare and in the trend of declining in the developing country,maybe due to the raise of living standards of people.But,The statics of cycling in Denmark is so amazing.

*16% all trips are in bicycle

*1.1km is average cycling done by a denish in a day.

*44% denish doesn't even own a car.

*17% male & 36% female in Demark goto their workplace by cycle.

for more information you may google it. ;)

I also heard that,Denmark is currently getting 10% of its total energy source through wind energy.

So,salute for Denish for this great move and being eco-friendly.




Ah yes, Copenhagen is a wonderful city! The cycling infrastructure and the huge amount of bicyclists always amazes me each time I am there.

Another city, not far from Copenhagen, where bicycles also dominate the street view is Lund, a Swedish university-city. http://www.green-blo...ycles-dominate/

"The Politics Show East has been to a town in Sweden where 60 per cent of people leave their car at home. In the town of Lund the majority of the population use bicycles and public transport."

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