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Attempting to green up my life

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I have always had a certain amount of environmental awareness and concern, but didn't think a lot about what I could do in my own life. I've determined that it makes more sense for me to focus on my own home, rather than only lobby for new legislation or protest corporations. So I am hoping to learn more about how to live the greenest lifestyle that I can.


Of course we should all act responsibily with regards to the environment and do the best we can. I think being active in the movement against the cause of all the detsruction we are doing to earth is the best way to live green. Ultimately, we need to replace the profit-motive system to live harmoniously with earth.


I believe we will begin to see more changes in the way our cities and government runs in the near future. The 30 and 40 somethings are entering the polotical arena more and more and the core values of this age group are vastly different of the older generations that did not grow up with the same environmental awareness.


Welcome to the forums Rhonda! Hopefully you will be able to learn new stuff and share your own experiences on how to live a greener life with the rest of us here. :)


I believe we will begin to see more changes in the way our cities and government runs in the near future. The 30 and 40 somethings are entering the polotical arena more and more and the core values of this age group are vastly different of the older generations that did not grow up with the same environmental awareness.

I can't see that ever happening under a system where production is for profit. The capitalists are not creally oncerned about the environment, their primary concern is profit. The profit motive will always come before the health of the environment. I think the idea that we can resolve the problem within the confines of capitalism is utopian.


The biggest and easiest change my family made was reducing our water usage. We put in a new toilet, new shower head and sink faucet and our bill has gone down so much. During the summer we take "military style" showers and turn off the water when we are shaving or just lathering up. The kids love it and my wallet loves it!


The biggest and easiest change my family made was reducing our water usage. We put in a new toilet, new shower head and sink faucet and our bill has gone down so much. During the summer we take "military style" showers and turn off the water when we are shaving or just lathering up. The kids love it and my wallet loves it!

We had a new water-saving shower and toilet fitted a few months. It was quite expensive but I'm hoping this will be offset by the money saved on bills. How much money do you save a year?

We also have a rainwater storage facility for washing clothes etc.

  • 7 months later...

Follow Naturopathy , Yoga ,reiki you can green your life by yourself.


Follow Naturopathy , Yoga ,reiki you can green your life by yourself.

What's Naturopathy? :S

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