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Green Blog

Committed environmentalist and campaign operative

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Hi, I'm Ben Donahower. I've been doing campaigns for more than a decade and have worked on small state and local races to presidential campaign and everything in between. I'm interested in doing more issue advocacy campaigns in the future since I'm growing more and more concerned about major environmental issues like protecting species, global warming, alternative energy, water and industrial agriculture.

I've been involved in online advocacy for many years as well. I was the founding editor of a now rebranded www.keystonepolitics.com and also blogged for the Hillary Clinton for President campaign. I currently operate two sites in the political space Campaign Trail Yard Signs and Get Out the Vote to Win.

Personally, I'm happily married and live in Pennsylvania.


Hi! Its always nice to have people around with some special knowledge, something that you seem to have. Nice websites you got there btw ;)


Welcome to the forums Ben! Hopefully you will have a great time on these boards. :)

So how was it like working for the Hillary-campaign?

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