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EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a myth

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EUs new figurehead stirs contorversy

Well, as if things were not bad enough, it now appears that the warming/cooling issue is going to become a tennis ball batted back and forth in the upcoming political war inside the EU.

Tensions recently erupted between Mr Klaus and Brussels when a private meeting with senior MEPs descended into a slanging match after they presented him with an EU flag and said that they were not interested in his Eurosceptic views.

Be interested to hear various views on what is going on inside the current EU verbal war which does effect the rest of the world.


Right-wingers are funny (read: stupid)!

Not much in this story and it wont change much of the EU policies. in June there will be a new EU presidency: the Swedish right-winger Fredrik Reinfeldt who has called for as much as 88% of the EU emission cuts to be allowed to do overseas in development countries.

Its sad to see that people this stupid can hold such an important job in Europe these days.


Right-wingers are funny (read: stupid)!

Not much in this story and it wont change much of the EU policies. in June there will be a new EU presidency: the Swedish right-winger Fredrik Reinfeldt who has called for as much as 88% of the EU emission cuts to be allowed to do overseas in development countries.

Its sad to see that people this stupid can hold such an important job in Europe these days.

"88% of the EU emission cuts to be allowed to do overseas in development countries." So in other words, the developing countries can make up for what the Swedish government does not want to do? Interesting concept! <_< Or in plain language, passing the buck...


"88% of the EU emission cuts to be allowed to do overseas in development countries." So in other words, the developing countries can make up for what the Swedish government does not want to do? Interesting concept! <_< Or in plain language, passing the buck...

As George Monbiot says:

"All this means, in a world which has to eliminate most of its carbon pollution, is that other countries, which have sold their easiest reductions to us, will then find it harder to make emissions cuts of their own. It’s carbon colonialism, in which Europe picks the low-hanging fruit in developing countries, leaving them with much tougher choices later on."


Have to agree with you that it should, but, in the current political environment I doubt that it will. "Global Warming" is going to be the loser in todays economic environment. Obama, regardless of what he said during the campaign, is now running into the economic reality and his own party is giving him the first dose of reality. He has not even said his "vows" and the honeymoon is over! :(

I suspect that what we see going on inside the EU is the tip of the iceberg so to speak.... <_< Money has a loud voice, ie the current reaction to Russia cutting off gas!!! ;)


Have to agree with you that it should, but, in the current political environment I doubt that it will. "Global Warming" is going to be the loser in todays economic environment. Obama, regardless of what he said during the campaign, is now running into the economic reality and his own party is giving him the first dose of reality. He has not even said his "vows" and the honeymoon is over! :(

I suspect that what we see going on inside the EU is the tip of the iceberg so to speak.... <_< Money has a loud voice, ie the current reaction to Russia cutting off gas!!! ;)

"We will be the generation that saved the banks and let the biosphere collapse."


What stupidity!

"But this last binge of vandalism is also the Bush presidency reduced to its essentials. Destruction is not an accidental product of its ideology. Destruction is the ideology. Neoconservatism is power expressed by showing that you can reduce any part of the world to rubble."

I cannot abide Shrub. He's a monkey-faced moron and I really would have enjoyed it had that shoe hit him squarely on the noggin (by the way, was Noggin the Nog Swedish?). But to suggest that Shrub destroying the environment because he can is simply stupid. It's as stupid as suggesting that he is the son of Beelzebub. This sort of article simply makes greens seem like crazies and diverts people's attention from the real issues. Much as I despise Shrub, I couldn't even be bothered reading the article to the end. The author's idiotic opening paragraphs caused me to dismiss him as a nutcase. If he had any valid points to make, they were completely wasted.


What stupidity!

"But this last binge of vandalism is also the Bush presidency reduced to its essentials. Destruction is not an accidental product of its ideology. Destruction is the ideology. Neoconservatism is power expressed by showing that you can reduce any part of the world to rubble."

I cannot abide Shrub. He's a monkey-faced moron and I really would have enjoyed it had that shoe hit him squarely on the noggin (by the way, was Noggin the Nog Swedish?). But to suggest that Shrub destroying the environment because he can is simply stupid. It's as stupid as suggesting that he is the son of Beelzebub. This sort of article simply makes greens seem like crazies and diverts people's attention from the real issues. Much as I despise Shrub, I couldn't even be bothered reading the article to the end. The author's idiotic opening paragraphs caused me to dismiss him as a nutcase. If he had any valid points to make, they were completely wasted.

You watch way too much childrens TV because I have no idea what you are talking about.

This is a fine example of the mind-and-right-wing-gap between Europe and America. George Monbiot is Europes leading green and social commentator. Calling Monbiot stupid.. Well.. That is just stupid.

You should really read some of his work, especially this article. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two?


>>This is a fine example of the mind-and-right-wing-gap between Europe and America. George Monbiot is Europes leading green and social commentator. Calling Monbiot stupid.. Well.. That is just stupid.<<

Whether or not Manbiot makes some valid points is irrelevant. The fact is that if he's going to prefix his discussions with idiotic claims ("Shrub is destroying the environment because he can"), then a substantial number of people will dismiss him as a nutcase and, accordingly, he'll fail to get his message to those people. Which represents a wasted opportunity.


>>This is a fine example of the mind-and-right-wing-gap between Europe and America. George Monbiot is Europes leading green and social commentator. Calling Monbiot stupid.. Well.. That is just stupid.<<

Whether or not Manbiot makes some valid points is irrelevant. The fact is that if he's going to prefix his discussions with idiotic claims ("Shrub is destroying the environment because he can"), then a substantial number of people will dismiss him as a nutcase and, accordingly, he'll fail to get his message to those people. Which represents a wasted opportunity.

True, most people that are a constant source of idiotic claims are assigned to the dust bin of history, and, a wasted opportunity.

We seem to have more than our share of those kind of people these days, and those trying to rewrite history to justify their warped perspectives. :D

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