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Is anyone a "prepper"?

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Do any of you actively prepare for off grid living or for economical issues that may force others into living green? Stockpiling food, learning herbology, and other forms of prepping maybe?


Not really. I do think it would be a good idea. But I never get around to it. And it's also not so easy when you live in an apartment in the city.


Actually, I have felt like doing it for a while but I never got started. Same as Simon.


I, like Simon, think that it's a great idea. However, I think it is one of those things that most just think about doing. Putting it into practice is quite a bit more difficult with daily life than one might think. I personally have roommates, which allows me only a certain amount of designated space. Having a part-time job and going to school also leaves a small amount of time to begin studying herbology. As sad as it might sound, my time is better utilized elsewhere at the current state of my life.

  • 2 months later...

I can consider myself a prepper but just a bit. Since it becomes a hobby for me already to stock some foods like canned goods. I also have some bottles of portable water stored just in case that a supply of water will be cut. Just simple things to make me feel prepared.

  • 1 month later...

I guess I am a prepper especially with cereals and meat. I usually buy enough cereals at the beginning of the month, I buy grains like beans, peas, cow peas, green gram and many more, I then boil them and divide in small portion enough for a one sitting meal. Then I put in the freezer for easy consumption when needed. I do store meat too in the freezer.


I guess I am a prepper especially with cereals and meat. I usually buy enough cereals at the beginning of the month, I buy grains like beans, peas, cow peas, green gram and many more, I then boil them and divide in small portion enough for a one sitting meal. Then I put in the freezer for easy consumption when needed. I do store meat too in the freezer.

But what if the power goes out? Then you are left with food that will go bad as soon as the coldness in the freezer is gone.


Learning herbology... Do you mean, using medicinal plants as substitute to over the counter drugs? Well, my mom is into this kind of stuff, herbology if that is the right term. :D Whenever we're sick my mom would first recommend the use of herbal medicines before we jump into using over the counter drugs from pharma's. We stock food by weekly consumption. :)

  • 5 months later...

I have prepared stocking food, but that's about it. I haven't gone to the extent to learn herbology. It would be interesting to learn and I'm sure it would benefit us in the (near?) future.


How do you stockpile food if you are living green? And what does it mean to live green? I'm not being not trying to be funny, but if you are stockpiling food then you are substaining the farming industry which has done quite alot to negatively effect the planet. And if you are encouraging others to learn how to harvest wild growth then you are basically encouraging other to descend like a plague of locusts on what greenery is left in the world. Of course you might be asking people to garden, but does it matter if they are using industrial fertilizers? I mean that is if they even have the room to try growing something. I'm just trying to look for a realistic, sustainable solution is all.


I always have dried lentils and tinned fish stored in the cupboard. I also grow vegetables and herbs at home, most of the vegetables and all of the herbs I eat are grown in my garden. I'm considering raising chickens as well, but we have a problem with foxes where I live.


I am a prepper to a certain extent. I am on a limited budget so I cannot do to much in the way of actual prepping, but I am doing the best I can and getting as many resources together so if something does happen I can easily keep myself and my family around for a long period of time.

  • 2 months later...

I am. I'm not crazy about it, but I do have quite the stockpile, multiple first aid kits, bug-out bags, etc.

I have also brushed up on a lot of knowledge about living without modern conveniences. Part of this included joining some prepper forums where I continue to learn more and more on a daily basis. I feel fairly prepared at this point.

  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old topic but I thought better to bump this than create a new one. I am a prepper and have been for a number of years now. I don't have a significant stash to my name but I would certainly consider myself much more prepared than average joe.


I have a good supply of food and water.  We have an ample supply of camping supplies and alternative sources of heat and electricity like generators and wood.  I live in a very rural area as it is and we have to be prepared all the time because our power and water are a bit iffy.


I have a good supply of food and water.  We have an ample supply of camping supplies and alternative sources of heat and electricity like generators and wood.  I live in a very rural area as it is and we have to be prepared all the time because our power and water are a bit iffy.


It sounds like you are prepared for the worst! What kind of items and supplies do you think a city-dweller such as myself should stash? Do you have any good recommendations? 

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