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Europe launches her own presidential candidate for the US Election in 2008!

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The Europe 2008 Exploratory Committee is sending Simon Robertsen and Thomas Altheimer in July 2007 to canvass the US for a suitable native-born American presidential candidate. The candidate will pledge to run for president in 2008 on a platform of European issues such as enhanced international cooperation, slashing greenhouse emissions, substituting UN for US troops in Iraq, and promoting a federal programme of subsidies for soccer and cricket schools across the nation.

America is too important to leave to the Americans!

"We have a huge task in front of us but I am confident that Europe will win the hearts and minds of the great American people. We believe that Europe can rise once again to dominate the world. But let me stress: it is world domination in a positive way. Unlike the nationalist Europe of the past, modern-day Europe has, through painful experience, matured to offer the world thoughtful, visionary, multilateral leadership--moving the world towards an all inclusive future where every individual is given a voice. I believe we will see a new cosmopolitan world order arise from this campaign."
Thomas Altheimer said during a press conference at Chatham House, London.

"Ours is a message of common-sense, secularism, good taste--and maybe also of slight decadence. Foremost it is a message of hope."
Simon Robertsen said at the same press conference.

Europe have set up a website where you can "help Europeanize America", volunteer and get updates on the progress of this "epic campaign".





"Ours is a message of common-sense, secularism, good taste--and maybe also of slight decadence. Foremost it is a message of hope."

Europe have set up a website where you can "help Europeanize America", volunteer and get updates on the progress of this "epic campaign".



Ok, the weak link in this whole idea, which is pretty cool in reality, is the term common-sense.

We are talking politicians here people, just how many politicians have you know that used common sense when it came down to making decisions, when it came time to vote, that effected the people and the environment?.

Of course the concept of "promoting a federal programme of subsidies for soccer and cricket schools across the nation" has some serious merit!!! :thumbup:


The thing I found strange was the picture with a Segway:


Here, I the English Midlands the Segway is but a myth, a bit like the Sea Dragons on the edge of Medieval maps - these things exist, out there somewhere.....

The picture confirmed what I though: a waste of resources, why not walk and get some exercise.

All in all the earlier English equivilent seems better (and great fun - only driven one once), the Sinclair C5:



Of course the concept of "promoting a federal programme of subsidies for soccer and cricket schools across the nation" has some serious merit!!! :thumbup:

Indeed it has. If only this was more than just a satire. ;)

The thing I found strange was the picture with a Segway:


Here, I the English Midlands the Segway is but a myth, a bit like the Sea Dragons on the edge of Medieval maps - these things exist, out there somewhere.....

The picture confirmed what I though: a waste of resources, why not walk and get some exercise.

All in all the earlier English equivilent seems better (and great fun - only driven one once), the Sinclair C5:


That picture reminds me about one I saw of two US Segway police officers, who, from the looks, should be walking more than driving the Segway!!! :blink:

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