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Soapnuts nature's detergent


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Soapnuts, or soap berries, have been used as a natural detergent for centuries.Soap nuts are a small yellow-brown fruit around just under a half to just over three-quarters an inch in diameter; containing a black seed.The shells contain a substance called saponin, usually present in quantities of around 10-15%. Saponin dissolves in water to form suds and can dissolve fats and oils and help to lift grime. Soapnuts are also suitable for use in greywater and blackwater recycling systems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's my first time to hear about this as well. So I researched in the Wikipedia and I found out that the shrub has many uses besides being a detergent. It can also be made as cosmetics and remedies like mucolytic agent, emetic, contraceptive and for treatment for excessive salivation, epilepsy and chlorosis.

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Wow that sounds so interesting! I've never really seen them in any stores though, although I'm sure if I searched online it would easily come up.

Currently I use Dr. Bronner's liquid soap for my face and body. I figure anything that cuts down on chemicals and is Free Trade must be pretty ok! :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

These are fantastic, economical and biodegradable do a great job around the house with cleaning, soapnuts are really a berry that contain high amounts of saponin a natural foaming agent, great for people with sensitive skin,babies as well.

Just put about 6 to 10 depending on the size of your wash load into a small cotton bag (normally supplied by suppliers ) or tie them up in a sock and throw them into the washing machine.

No chemicals 100% natural..........add some drops onto the bag or sock of essential oil for a fresh smell.I get mine from ecolurve a natural product online distributor at a very good price. They can be thrown into a compost or garden because are biodegradable and Eco friendly

Help yourself save some $ and the Earth at the same time ; }..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love these they are so cost effective save me heaps of $ and they are easy to use.

Its just hard to change your set ways sometimes especially your mums and dads they have been programed wrong hahaa.

Soap berries are really great I save heaps of $$ using these :D

I get mine at $15Per Kg :o some distributors sell them as high as $40 per Kg,you can get Liquid and powder as well but most of these have additives the best way to buy them is semi crushed as they release more saponin ( more suds ).

I just soak them in warm water for 10 minutes put the liquid in the washing machine and the Soap nuts Berries in a drawstring bag and in they go with the wash. :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

HAVE TO KEEP SPREADING THE WORD...............I use these daily I save $$$$$ and they are environmentally friendly :) PLEASE try these and help our water systems get less polluted. It is very depressing seeing what is happening to the rivers and waterways around the world. :(

Easy to use I find I get a soapier wash from crushed berries, so I buy mine broken it releases the Saponin easier in the washing machine, plus I don't use any conditioner you don't need too. I just add essential oil to a cloth in the dryer when drying.To use I soak a handful in warm water for 10 minutes then place the water and then the berries (soap nuts) in a bag straight into the machine. :rolleyes:

The best thing is its so fresh and natural no chemicals no dry itchy skin :o

I get mine in 1kg bulk form from Ecolurve.com they supply me quickly and at the best price Ive found so it keeps me happy. :D

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