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Bush done more?

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On Friday a friend of mine forwarded me an e-mail from Martin McGuiness, special assistant to the president for legislative affairs. At this point, we expect the White House to spin every issue to its advantage, but this quote in Mr. McGuiness's email stood out:

"This administration has done more for the environment and addressing energy security and climate change than any other in history."

While the claim that George Bush has done more to address climate change than any administration seems ridiculous, I am always willing to welcome converts to our movement. If this administration has finally come around on the climate crisis, then now is the time for them to take action.

Let's join together and demand that the Bush Administration commit to an international treaty that would cut CO2 by 90%.


The truth is that far from having the best record on the climate crisis, this administration would rank at the very bottom. Remember, this was the White House that hired an energy lobbyist to censor the scientists authoring the government's climate reports.

Immediately upon taking office, George Bush rejected the Kyoto Accord that called for only a 7% cut in CO2 below 1990 levels. He claimed, with no basis in fact, that the treaty would damage the U.S. economy. And in April, 2005, the Government Accountability Office determined that George Bush's climate program "lacks a major component required by law: periodic assessments of how rising temperatures may affect people and the environment."

In addition, the White House worked to prevent any international progress on solutions to the climate crisis at both the G8 and APEC summits this summer.

However, his advisor is now claiming, "This administration has done more for the environment and addressing energy security and climate change than any other in history."

Tell President Bush that it's time to promote real solutions to the climate crisis and support an international treaty that will reduce CO2 by 90%.


Thank you,

Al Gore

  • 2 months later...

I can't ever remember Bush doing anything pro-environment. If he did, we'd surely hear about it.

  • 5 months later...

While I don't disagree that Bush hasn't done much for the environment......I'll go ahead and say that Al Gore's hurt the environment more than help overall by blatantly lying or making assumptions where he shouldn't.


While I don't disagree that Bush hasn't done much for the environment......I'll go ahead and say that Al Gore's hurt the environment more than help overall by blatantly lying or making assumptions where he shouldn't.

Could you show us some proof?

  • 2 months later...

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