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GOP lawmaker foolishly tries to claim that EV subsidies are too expensive

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During a hearing held by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, GOP lawmaker Aaron Bean complained about electric vehicles (EV) subsidies, calling them “bribes”

“The Biden administration is spending billions in subsidies to force consumers to make these decisions,” Bean said. “They’re only buying them because we’re bribing consumers with $7500 to purchase that vehicle.”

“Is there a time that you will say, ‘You know what? This is just too expensive, this is just too expensive, we wanna rethink this policy.’ Is there ever a time that you’re gonna say that, that it’s too expensive?” Bean asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg responded by pointing out the ludicrous amounts of subsidies the US government is spending on fossil fuels:

“If you think this is expensive, wait till you find out how much oil and gas subsidies you’ve been supporting,” Buttigieg said. “Also, wait till you find out the economic impact, that some economists have put it, $15 million every hour of every day, trillions of dollars every year from allowing the environmental conditions in this country and planet to worsen.”

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that electric vehicle tax credits cost the government $85 million in 2023. Comparatively, in 2022, fossil fuel subsidies in the US totalled $757 billion, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The claim that liberal and left-wing governments spend too much money on climate solutions – be it subsidies for renewables or electric vehicles and whatnot – is a common attack line from fossil fuel dinosaurs that has no basis in reality. Eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, on the other hand, will save taxpayers money while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making sure our climate remains liveable.

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Fossil fuel subsidies hinder our transition to sustainable energy systems and undermine efforts to combat climate change.

They make fossil fuels cheaper, while encouraging greater fossil fuel production and consumption. As a result, more greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate change and destroying the environment, while perpetuating our reliance on fossil fuels.

Removing fossil fuel subsidies would enhance our energy security by promoting diversification and cleaner alternatives.

The subsidies also skew fossil fuel prices, resulting in oil and gas fuels that don't include external costs, such as climate damages and local air pollution. These costs are not reflected in the retail price at the gas pump, leading to inefficient resource allocation and environmental harm.

On the other hand, subsidies for renewables, electric vehicles and clean tech offer several benefits.

These greener subsidies encourage the adoption of cleaner energy sources, such as solar and wind power. By reducing the cost of renewable technologies, they accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, ultimately lowering greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Which is crucial if we want to have a liveable climate!

Early subsidies for renewables have helped spur innovation, leading to cost reductions and improved technologies. These advancements make renewable energy more competitive and accessible, benefiting both consumers and the environment. Ever heard of negative energy prices? Those are only possible thanks to renewables.

Supporting renewables reduces reliance on imported fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and our energy independence. Countries can generate their own clean energy, reducing vulnerability to supply disruptions and geopolitical tensions.

Subsidies for EVs and renewables improve air quality by reducing emissions. Cleaner air has direct health benefits, preventing respiratory diseases and related healthcare costs.

Subsidies stimulate investment in renewable infrastructure, creating jobs and boosting local economies. They also attract private sector involvement in clean energy projects.

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