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Ground source Heat Pumps an Renewable Energy

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Renewable energy is sustainable energy that comes from the natural environment. Certain sources of energy are “renewable” as they are maintained or replaced by nature. Renewable energy is obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels, of which there is a finite supply and cannot be replenished.

Renewable sources of energy include solar, wind, water, biomass, wood, waste, geothermal, wind, photo voltaic, and solar thermal energy. Non renewable energy sources include coal, oil and natural gas.

Here i would like to give you guys detail about Geothermal Renewal energy.

Geothermal energy refers to the different types of thermal energy stored within the earth.It makes use of the low-temperature heat (10–20°C) found at relatively shallow depths within the earth’s crust. This heat in the ground remains relatively constant all year.

Heat pumps use this heat to produce hot water at a temperature of 40-50°C, ideal for low-temperature heating systems such as under-floor systems and radiant panels.Hence it protect the environment also as well as help in saving of energy, time and money.

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