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Solar Bottle/Bulb

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Some household here in the Philippines are using "solar bulb" to be able to save electricity and have lower monthly bill. On some areas/household that do not have electricity yet, they also use this as their source of light on day time.

Solar bulb is made from a plastic bottle (1.5L soft drink bottle) which is full of water added with some amount of bleach. This bottle is then place on the upper part of the room which some part of it is exposed to the sun so that the light from it will be collected and then scattered throughout the room.

This is another simple yet useful innovative and environment friendly source of light on day time.

Do you know any other alternative bulb existing nowadays?

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Interesting. This will only work when there is some sunlight available, right? We have started using LED lighting, as it is more environment friendly even though the initial price is high....the long-term saving is immense. It would pay for itself in a month or two. Plus, it recycles naturally, not poisonous like other bulbs - this is what we were told. I also love the fact that it emits light without the heat component...this is the only bulb I can think of right now.


Interesting. I haven't seen this one in the market yet? I guess this isn't available nationwide. I remembered watching a docu on one channel and it features a Filipino teacher who came up with an idea of bulb or light with the use of water as he was residing/volunteering in a remote area with no electricity. :3 Can't remember exactly how it worked but it was working for odd reason.

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